The TAGGS Assistance Listing Report provides detailed award information for a single Assistance Listing. The data provided is from FY 2008 or from the start date of data collection through the present. For information prior to FY 2008, please use the TAGGS Advanced Search.
In the top display you will see the name of the Assistance Listing, agency, assistance type, and any popular name it might use, along with the 5-digit Assistance Listing Number.
Assistance Listings consisting of Direct Payment Awards may not contain links to additional recipient and award information. Direct Payment data is often collected as aggregated payments to a state to protect the personal information of the assistance recipients.
Along with the bar chart broken up by Issue Date or Funding Fiscal Year, there is also an exportable table below that groups by Issue Date or Funding Fiscal Year and shows the recipient name, state, award number, award title and amount from each award action.
By using the radio buttons, you may view data by the Issue Date Fiscal Year of by Funding Fiscal Year. In most cases, the Issue Date and Funding Fiscal Years coincide, although in some cases, delays in issuing an award and award close outs will cause the Issue Date of an award to be outside the of the Funding Fiscal Year.
Table data can be exported by choosing one of the export-format icons located at the top right of the table. Export file formats include:
The two Fiscal Year (FY) viewing options are:
Issue Date FY | The FY in which the award action Occurred |
Funding FY | The FY in which the award action Funded |
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Sort ASC/DESC when a column header is selected | ENTER |
Objectives: The objectives of Welfare Research (WR) are to support research, evaluation, and technical assistance related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. This includes research on the effect of State TANF programs on employment, child well-being, unmarried births, marriage, poverty, economic mobility, and other factors; State-initiated research on TANF ; technical assistance to States in developing and evaluating innovative approaches for reducing welfare dependency and increasing the well-being of families with low incomes; and development of a “what works clearinghouse” of approaches for moving welfare recipients into work. The objectives of the National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility are to fund projects and programs designed to improve the effectiveness of public policies that reduce poverty, inequality, and their consequences, promote economic mobility and equity, and further develop knowledge of the structural causes of poverty, inequality, and economic insecurity. The objectives of the Center for Research on Hispanic Children and Families are to lead and support research on the needs of Hispanic populations served by ACF and on promising approaches to promote social and economic well-being among low-income Hispanic families. The objectives of the National African American Child and Family Research Center are to lead and support research on the assets, needs, and experiences of African American families and children served by ACF programs, and on promising approaches to address economic and social inequities and, ultimately, promote social and economic well-being among low-income African American families. The objectives of the Family Self-Sufficiency and Stability Research Scholars Network Grants are to support research on strategies for improving family self-sufficiency conducted by social science scholars in partnership with state or local human services agencies. The objectives of the Career Pathways Secondary Data Analysis Grants are to support rigorous research through secondary data analysis on questions relevant to the effectiveness of services funded by TANF programs that aim to address the employment and self-sufficiency needs of TANF recipients and those eligible for or at risk of TANF receipt, with career pathways programs being one such service. The objectives of the Family Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Development Grants are to support the planning for and execution of evaluation-related activities by organizations looking to strengthen and evaluate coordinated, client-centered approaches to improving economic self-sufficiency among TANF and TANF-eligible families. The objectives of the Tribal Research Center on Early Childhood Development and Systems are to support community-based participatory research and evaluation of ACF early childhood and family economic well-being initiatives that serve tribal communities. The objectives of the Baby's First Years Qualitative Substudy are to understand how unconditional cash gifts to low-income mothers and their children affects families' lives.