Award Search
Search by Fiscal Year, the Assistance Listings, granting agencies, and more. Each user selection made will update the search results table based on all selections. Data can be exported to numerous formats by selecting one of the export buttons. Data Exports are limited to the first 10,000 rows as sorted.
Use the Award Search to find HHS grant awards based on information known about the awards, such as the year(s) they were made, the Assistance Listing Numbers, granting agencies, and more. Entering fewer options will create a broad search returning many awards, while entering more options will create a narrower search returning fewer records.
Recipient Search
Search by Fiscal Year, Recipient Type and Class, Recipient Name, and more. Each user selection made will update the search results table based on all selections. Data can be exported to numerous formats by selecting one of the export buttons. Data Exports are limited to the first 10,000 rows as sorted.
Use this search to find recipients of HHS grant awards by keying in some information about the recipient. You can conduct a broad or a narrow search.
For the broadest search, select ALL when it is available in a drop down list, and do not choose additional search criteria from other fields.
For the narrowest search, select from as many different fields as is appropriate, and avoid selecting ALL.
Note: A result may display a Recipient Name multiple times. This occurs in cases where Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) has assigned more than one EIN to a recipient organization. D&B is the federal government’s authoritative source for all DUNS numbers. Please visit their web site for more information.
Site Search
The TAGGS Site Search performs a keyword search across many data elements in the TAGGS database. The data included in the search is limited to Fiscal Year 2009 and above. To search for awards in prior fiscal years, use the TAGGS Advanced Search.
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search lets you create a very refined search through more than 500,000 Grant Awards. For more information about a specific set of search criteria, click the appropriate help link located at the top right corner of each window. You can combine multiple selections from the choices below to locate a specific award by keyword, agency, type, year, state, and many other criteria.