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HHS Total Assistance

About TAGGS Total Assistance Report: The TAGGS Total Assistance Report combines data tracked in Transactional format and Aggregate format to provide the total assistance provided by HHS. The Transactional data is reported as grant and assistance transactions to organizations, states, public institutions, and other entities, while Aggregate data is summary information for grants, loans, and direct assistance to individuals.

Fiscal Years Filtering: By using the dropdown combo box, you may view data using two fiscal year options: the Issue Date FY in which the award or action was issued and the Funding FY in which the award was funded.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. CTRL+SHIFT+G selects the table in keyboard mode.
  2. ARROW keys change row focus.
  3. TAB key steps through the column headers.
  4. A selected Column header is used to high/low, or A/Z, sort column-data by pressing the ENTER key. Press ENTER again to reverse sort direction.
  5. SHIFT+PAGE DOWN to advance to the next page.
  6. SHIFT+PAGE UP to move to the previous page.

HHS Other Financial Assistance

About TAGGS Other Financial Assistance Report: The TAGGS Other Financial Assistance Report contains data collected in aggregate format. The Other Finanical Assistance data is summary information for direct assistance to individuals and loans.

Fiscal Years Filtering: By using the dropdown combo box, you may view data by the selected fiscal year. Other Financial Assistance is collected using the FY in which the award or action was issued.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. CTRL+SHIFT+G selects the table in keyboard mode.
  2. ARROW keys change row focus.
  3. TAB key steps through the column headers.
  4. A selected Column header is used to high/low, or A/Z, sort column-data by pressing the ENTER key. Press ENTER again to reverse sort direction.
  5. SHIFT+PAGE DOWN to advance to the next page.
  6. SHIFT+PAGE UP to move to the previous page.


This report shows the number of grants (formula/block & entitlement and discretionary) and associated total grant funding by fiscal year awarded by HHS operating divisions, and:

  • Total number of grants percentage
  • Total grant awards by each agency awarded with respect to the total number of grants and grant dollars awarded by all HHS agencies

HHS Grants By Recipient Class

This tabular report displays the number of formula/block & entitlement and discretionary grants and dollar values.

Note: Formula/block & entitlement and discretionary grants are included. Large programs, such as Medicaid, have a large funding levels though comparatively small number of awards. Formula/block & entitlement grants are classified as Block, Closed-Ended Entitlements, and Open-Ended Entitlements. Discretionary grants include Cooperative Agreements.

Formula/block & entitlement grants are classifed as Block, Closed-Ended Entitlements, and Open-Ended Entitlements. Discretionary grants include Cooperative Agreements.

There are 15 recipient classes:

  • City Government
  • County Government
  • Federal Government
  • Foreign Non-Profit Organization
  • Foreign Profit Organization
  • International (U.S. and Foreign or two or more Foreign Organizations)
  • Interstate Government Affiliated Organizations
  • Non-Profit Private Non-Government Organizations
  • Non-Profit Public Non-Government Organizations
  • Other (Towns, Villages, American Indian Tribes)
  • Private Profit (large business) Organizations
  • Private Profit (small business) Organizations
  • Special Unit of Government
  • Sponsored Organizations
  • State Government

Note: Awards granted to multiple recipients of differing recipient classes receive a count in each class, which may result in a higher award count, when compared to other counting methods.

HHS Grants By Activity Type

This report shows the number of discretionary grants and associated dollar values organized by the four major activity types: Research, Services, Training, and Other.

Research — Includes traditional research by individual investigators, broadly based traditional research and other, and career programs. NIH awards about half of these grants.

Services — Includes grants to deliver health or social services, treatment and rehabilitation programs, education and information programs, and programs to detect health problems. ACF awards the majority of services grants.

Training — Includes research and health professions training programs, education projects, and rural area health care training. NIH and HRSA award most training grants.

Other — Includes grants for construction projects, health programs and resources planning and development, evaluations, and health infrastructure. This is a small percentage of discretionary grants.

HHS Grants By Location - US/World

This tabular summary displays award dollars allocated by CAN and state, or Federal territory for fiscal years since 2005.

HHS Grants By Location - US by Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan

This report provides grant data sorted by the Fiscal Year, Organization, State, and County Classification. Grant award distribution can be further refined by selection of Metropolitan, Non-Metropolitan, or Unknown grouping parameters, using the definitions provided by OMB's county-wide designations.

Assistance Listings Summary Report

This report summarizes grant dollars allocated by Assistance Listing, OPDIV, and by one or more fiscal years.

Recipient Summary Report

This tabular report ranks the Top-50 Recipients by award dollars by one or multiple fiscal years.

Award Summary Report

This report form will create a report of the top 50 grant dollars allocated by award number by one or all Fiscal Years since 2005. 'Award Types' are:

  • Discretionary Awards: Discretionary grants are those for which the OPDIV may exercise judgment (“discretion”) in determining the recipient and the amount of the award. Discretionary grants may be further categorized by purpose (for example, research, training, services, construction, and conference support). Generally such awards are made following a competitive process.
  • Non-Discretionary (Mandatory): Mandatory grants are those that an OPDIV is required to award if the recipient (usually a State) submits an acceptable plan or application and meets the statutory and regulatory eligibility and compliance requirements for the program. Mandatory grants include block grants and entitlement grants.
  • All Awards: Discretionary and Non-discretionary awards.