Abstract Project Title: Arizona MIECHV Program Applicant Name: AZ Department of Health Services Address: 150 N 18thAve, Phoenix, AZ, 85007 Program Funds Requested: $12,564,596.00 Project Director: Jessica Williams Phone: 623-715-4573 Email: jessica.williams@azdhs.gov Web sites: www.strongfamiliesaz.com; https://azdhs.gov/prevention/womens-childrens-health/childrens-health Purpose: Arizona aims to implement voluntary evidence-based and evidence-informed home visiting programs, delivered by trained educators, provided to pregnant persons and families with young children residing in at-risk communities with support and information to improve the health and wellbeing of families and communities. Implementing evidence-based and evidence-informed home visiting programs in at-risk communities improve maternal and child health outcomes for families and the communities in which they live. Goals and Objectives: a) Support voluntary evidence-based and promising approach home visiting programs that are equitable and accessible to eligible families resulting in positive outcomes in at least 4 of the 6 benchmark areas by implementing home visiting services in at-risk communities with an overall caseload capacity of 1,668 and evaluate the promising approach through an institute of higher education. b) Improve coordination and information pertaining to the Arizona Home Visiting System to maximize funding, support, services and resources for home visitors, supervisors and eligible families by convening the Strong Families AZ Home Visiting Alliance members; ensuring members are representative and inclusive of tribal communities; using technology to provide information and training to home visitors, supervisors and families; coordinate early childhood efforts and outcomes; maintain the statewide data management system; and strengthen community capacity to increase health equity. c) Ensure program implementation oversight to meet the grant goals, objectives, budget and activities by maximizing human and financial resources; utilize tools to appropriately and accurately track activities and timelines; participate in meetings, conferences and seek technical assistance to meet the grant requirements and improve the health and wellbeing of Arizona’s families. Methodology: To achieve the goals of this grant, Arizona will: implement voluntary evidence-based home visiting programs and a promising approach model in at-risk communities with effective oversight and guidance; collect, compile and report data to ensure the fidelity of the model being used and progress toward benchmarks; and coordinate services across the early childhood system. The ADHS contracts with state agencies, county health departments, tribal nations and non-profit organizations to implement evidence-based and promising approach home visiting models including Family Spirit, Healthy Families, Parents as Teachers, Nurse Family Partnership, SafeCare Augmented, Maternal and Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting and Health Start. MIECHV funds are used to support these programs in 37 urban, 29 rural, 4 frontier and 5 tribal communities. All service areas are identified as at-risk in the 2020 MIECHV Needs Assessment, serve tribal members, have a higher population of Black and African American people, and/or are pregnant under the age of 21. Arizona proposes a caseload capacity of 1,341 from September 30, 2023-September 29, 2024 and 1,491 from September 30, 2024-September 29, 2025 for evidence-based home visiting models and a caseload capacity of 733 from September 30, 2023-September 29, 2025 for the promising approach model, Health Start. The total caseload capacity for MIECHV funded services is 2,074 between September 30, 2023-September 29, 2024 and 2,224 between September 30, 2024-September 29, 2025. Arizona has a current caseload capacity of 1668.