There is a critical need for researchers dedicated to making improvements in the molecular understanding and
treatment of brain tumors to overcome the challenge of therapeutic resistance and better treat these devastating
diseases. To accomplish this goal, the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has developed an innovative
Training Program in Brain Tumor Biology to educate highly motivated PhD and MD/PhD students in the fields
of fundamental and translational brain tumor research. The requested funding is for 3 pre-doctoral trainees per
year in years 1-5 with an additional appointment to be funded by UAB in years 3-5 that will prioritize increasing
diversity in neuro-oncology. Each trainee would be appointed for one year with the possibility of an additional year
of funding depending on performance. Applicants will be selected at the end of the 2nd year of PhD training with
support provided in the 3rd and/or 4th year of graduate school.
With the UAB Graduate Biomedical Sciences and the Medical Scientist Training Program as partners, this brain
tumor training program builds on the interdisciplinary basic and translational investigative efforts supported by the
UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center and its Neuro-Oncology Program and the UAB Comprehensive
Neuroscience Center. Indeed, 21 faculty members in 11 different departments serve as mentors on this
training program. Our faculty are dedicated to training in brain tumor cell signaling, metabolism, drug development,
therapeutic resistance, imaging, immunotherapies and clinical experience. Faculty are highly collaborative as
documented by co-authored publications, co-funded grants, and co-mentorship of trainees. This committed
training environment provides an ideal setting for the implementation of interdisciplinary, translational
brain tumor research that synergizes scientific efforts.
The Training Program in Brain Tumor Biology provides exceptional educational opportunities in basic and
translational research. The coursework encompasses the advanced Special Topics in Brain Tumor Biology
Course with world renowned guest speakers as well as the Glial Pathobiology: Special Focus on Brain Tumors
Journal Club course. Enrichment activities include the Bioinformatics Experience, Diagnosis and Clinical
Management Experience, Imaging Experience, Radiotherapy Experience, Statistics Experience, a monthly
Brain Tumor Research in Progress conference, a monthly Glial Biology Works in Progress conference, and
the biennial Brain Tumor Training Program Research Retreat and Southeastern Brain Tumor Research
Meeting. Collectively, the coursework, research, and enrichment activities will ensure the development of the next
generation of basic/translational researchers addressing compelling problems related to brain tumors.