Summary UNC-IMSD
The long-term goal of the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill (UNC IMSD) is to contribute to diversifying the leadership of biomedical science. We work towards
this goal through an integrated suite of synergistic junior scientist development programs focused on
biomedical PhD students from groups under-represented in the sciences due to historical exclusion. Our
approach is a comprehensive, personalized, start-to-finish program led by a team of expert PhD-trained
Directors and dedicated faculty who work to support the scientific, personal, and professional development of
UNC biomedical PhD students from under-represented groups (URGs). We provide activities targeted to
empower URG students and enhance both scientific identity and self-efficacy at key transition points in their
graduate training to increase the likelihood that they persist to degree completion and in their chosen scientific
careers. UNC IMSD is embedded in the UNC Office of Graduate Education, an institutionally-funded
administrative unit that coordinates development, recruitment, and extensive support for 15 PhD programs.
Leadership in this Office consists of multiple PhD-trained program Directors, including the two Directors of
IMSD, whose full-time roles are to facilitate student success and to inspire continual improvement in graduate
education practices in collaboration with the faculty PIs. The substantial resources devoted to graduate
education at UNC through this Office provide numerous advantages to IMSD participants and members: i)
ready access to expert advisors who have been through similar training , ii) a large and supportive community
of peers from similar backgrounds and experiences, iii) individual academic support at key transitions (e.g.
coursework, critical literature analysis, rotation and thesis lab selection, qualifying exams), and iv) customized
professional development opportunities. Since 2006 the IMSD has financially supported 196 participants; 60
are still enrolled and on track to graduate, and 107 have graduated with a PhD (>85% retention). Participants
published 308 peer-reviewed publications, 137 as first authors. Moreover, during this period an additional 64
graduate students were affiliated members of the IMSD community and benefitted from the program. As an
R25-supported program since 1996, we institutionalized and broadly disseminated multiple successful
innovations developed over many years. These elements benefit all graduate students – from under-
represented and well-represented groups – and include faculty mentor training and a dedicated wellness
counselor. We also engaged in scholarship of graduate admissions, graduate training, and workforce diversity;
our studies have been published and have had impacts beyond UNC. In the proposed next phase of UNC
IMSD as a T32, we have the following core Objectives: 1) develop and recruit high potential students from
URGs, 2) facilitate academic and degree progress to PhD completion, 3) foster a community of thriving future
scientific leaders, and 4) promote an inclusive training environment and cultural change.