The University at Buffalo (UB) continues to work towards increasing the number of PhD students from
underrepresented groups in biomedical and behavioral sciences. The IMSD at UB plays an essential role in
attracting and supporting students through collaborative learning and integrated mentoring. Since 2012, a total
of 39 students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds (46% AA, 44% H/L, 5% NA; 5% Multiple
Races; 44% W) enrolled and participated in IMSD professional development activities. To date, 11 graduated
and 21 are in training, with a mean time to graduation of 5.3 years (median: 4.8 years). The graduation rate
moved from 73% during the initial funding period to an estimated 94% in the current funding period. The IMSD
at UB is building upon this success, together with faculty from 18 departments spanning seven UB Schools
and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, to continue the transformation of UB into a leading institution
for training a diverse workforce. Specific aims are: 1) Attract five PhD students underrepresented in biomedical
and behavioral sciences at UB per year increasing diversity by a total of 25 during the 5-year funding period,
by using targeted recruiting and holistic review. 2) Provide mentoring, professional development and grant
writing training to achieve academic success, secure funding and ensure successful completion of PhD
degrees. The program will guide students through their PhD training using Individualized Development Plans
to tailor research activities, professional development, mentoring and faculty support. 3) Facilitate access to
careers in science and leadership positions to foster successful transition into competitive postdoctoral
positions and jobs in academia, industry, government, or other organizations. To foster growth of professional
networks, the program developed the Career Pathways Seminar to allow IMSD students to meet and establish
relationships with leaders in these institutions where they will potentially complete a research internship to
explore future career paths. 4) Create a safe, diverse and inclusive research learning environment adaptive to
students’ academic and professional needs. This aim will focus on increasing faculty recruitment and retention
efforts. Using established partnerships with the Office of the UB Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence, Unit
Diversity Officers, and UB senior administration, the program will expand activities dedicated to holistic review
of applications by graduate program directors, admissions committees, administrators and faculty search
committees and developing faculty mentoring skills to recruit and retain a student-focused, diverse faculty
population at UB. The success of the IMSD at UB will be realized by: a) increasing diversity of applicant pools
for graduate students and faculty, b) students’ scientific productivity and entry into the workforce, c) improved
student and faculty mentoring and support, and d) building a more inclusive learning environment at UB.