Project Summary/Abstract
The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH) has vast experience in
international research ethics education, training, and research in research ethics in Africa. The main aim of the
US-Zim RETP project is to establish and implement International Research Ethics (IRE) education, training, and
research in Zimbabwe at the University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (UZFMHS).
UZFMHS is the premier health professionals education and training institution in Zimbabwe and is the major
centre for health research in Zimbabwe. There is inadequate research ethics training, education, and capacity
in ethics research to support the growing robust research agenda to provide the evidence base to address the
most pressing health needs of the country. The overall goal of US-Zimbabwe Research Ethics Training
Program (US-Zim RETP) project is to develop the capacity for research ethics education, training, and ethics
research in Zimbabwe. The aims of the program are to; Aim 1: Enhance the pedagogical and curricular strengths
of key UZFHMS faculty to deliver research ethics courses and mentoring in Zimbabwe. Aim 2: Develop and
implement a two-year Master’s level degree in Research Ethics at UZFMHS. Aim 3: Promote research around
key priorities for research ethics in Zimbabwe. The US-Zim RETP program will be implemented by GWSPH
faculty in collaboration with UZFMHS faculty and other experts in the region. The ethics research will be in line
with the priority national research agenda, infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases. The Master’s
program will consist of mentorship/multiple mentorships, coursework, mentored research projects, attachments
to research ethics committees, and training in grant and scientific writing and presentation skills. The degree
program is designed to run for 2 years. Three cohorts of 5 students each will be recruited over the 5-year grant
period. The short courses will be run 3 to 4 times per year, while the faculty development programs will have
health ethics components embedded in them.