The overall goal of the renewal of the 2017-2022 Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) in
Biomedical Sciences (BMS) at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans (LSUHSC-
NO) is to enhance the diversity of the BMS research workforce by continuing equitable and expanded access to
research skills and training, thereby yielding increased competitiveness, acceptance, and completion of Ph.D.
BMS programs by individuals who are underrepresented in science, such as persons from backgrounds that
have been historically-excluded, and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged, and/or persons with disabilities. In
the U.S. during 2018-2019, 19% of STEM Bachelor’s degrees were conferred to students from groups un-
derrepresented in the sciences; while 10% earned Master’s degrees, and only 7% earned a PhD degree. In
Louisiana during 2019-2020, 31% of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Bachelor’s degrees were earned by
students from groups underrepresented in science, while 18% earned Master’s degrees, and only 6% earned a
PhD degree. Sixty-two percent of our former PREP Scholars are currently enrolled in PhD programs. LSUHSC-
NO PREP will accept 30 recent eligible baccalaureate science graduates over 5 years for intensive research and
innovative academic training experiences to foster success in BMS doctoral degree programs. The PREP will
enhance competitiveness for acceptance, retention, and completion of BMS Ph.D. programs by providing: 1)
intensive research experiences with committed and funded faculty mentors; and 2) essential skills development
training during the 1-yr training. Solid foundations in research skills will be provided by the following: 1) concen-
trated education in scientific critical thinking, analysis of results using statistics, and writing; 2) inventive and
personalized test-taking skills to improve GRE scores and success in graduate courses; 3) experience in oral
and poster scientific presentations; 4) training in responsible and ethical conduct in research, rigor, and repro-
ducibility; and 5) writing a personal statement, selecting, applying, and interviewing for graduate schools. Schol-
ars will participate in weekly skills and career development workshops hosted by PREP faculty, internal and
external scientists; join graduate students in skills development programs, courses, and seminars; present their
research at the annual PREP symposium and local and national scientific conferences; mentor summer research
fellows; assist in community science education programs; and participate in community outreach. Thirty-six LSU-
HSC-NO active research faculty, committed to the PREP, have extensive experience in mentoring high school,
undergraduate, medical, predoctoral, and postdoctoral students representing students underrepresented in the
BMS through NIH R01, P20, T32, R25, R35, and other funding mechanisms. Scholar recruitment efforts will
extend to 4 local historically black colleges and 2 state universities, to develop a community-wide mechanism to
support the BMS workforce. The program will be evaluated using formative and summative methodologies &
quantitative and qualitative statistics to document success.