The BM stromal cells (BMSCs) are a key element of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche. However, the
niche is a concept based on spatial localization, whereas the stromal network permeates throughout the entire
BM space, calling into question whether all BMSCs are equally endowed with niche-supporting functions, or
just a subset of a heterogeneous BMSC population. The central hypothesis of this project is that the stromal
cells in different types of BM cavities are functionally distinct, based on our observation that BM cavities are
heterogeneous with respect to their bone remodeling activities. We found cavities that are predominantly
undergoing bone deposition, resorption, or a mixture of the two, and classified them as D-type, R-type or M-
type, respectively. Remarkably, clonal expansion of HSCs both under steady state and after stimulation with
cyclophosphamide and G-CSF is found almost exclusively in M-type cavities. Similarly, early expansion of
acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells is also restricted to M-type cavities, underscoring the need to examine
the stromal cells in the context of individual BM cavities undergoing different stages of bone remodeling. Here
we propose to profile BMSCs from distinct cavity types using Image-seq (Aim 1), a new technology developed
in our laboratory for capturing BM cells directly from specific microanatomic locations under image guidance
for single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). Combining Image-seq with imaging bone remodeling activity,
we will determine if BMSCs residing in D-, M-, and R-type cavities differentially express genes encoding
factors for niche support and lineage differentiation. In Am 2, we will test the hypothesis that different BM
cavity types are established by distinct stromal progenitor clones. We propose to employ a CRISPR based
barcoding model (CARLIN) to track the progeny of stromal progenitor clones in vivo. The combination of this
clonal tracking strategy with image-seq will provide unique insights into whether restricted stromal clones
influence the R, D, and M cavities in the BM at steady state and after inflammatory challenge. We will further
test if regenerative potential is linked to a specific cavity type by transplanting stroma from individual (D/M/R)
sources to osteoporotic recipients in a fracture healing model. In Aim 3, we will examine if the BMSCs are
interconnected to form a 3D functional network. Our preliminary data show that at least a subset of BMSCs
display spontaneous intracellular calcium transients under steady state, which increase in intensity and
frequency and can turn into intercellular calcium waves (ICWs) upon stimulation. Moreover, the calcium
activity is spatially heterogeneous, with much higher activity in M- and R-type cavities compared to D-type
cavities. We will map the BMSC network activity and investigate the relationship between calcium signaling
and stromal cell function. We will examine whether disruption of calcium signaling in BMSCs leads to an
altered microenvironment for hematopoietic support. This multidisciplinary research project will advance our
understanding of the BM stromal compartment: its heterogeneity, clonality, and network activity.