The Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies Mona Campus aims to expand its inter-
disciplinary research capacity by developing a training program to study the determinants of periodontitis and
associated non-communicable chronic diseases in Jamaica. This program was created in response to the need
for research in periodontitis, a highly prevalent non-communicable chronic condition with implications for oral
and systemic health, for which there is lack of knowledge with respect to its epidemiology and pathophysiology
in the Caribbean region. This program will be focused on expanding the clinical, epidemiology and basic science
research capacity at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences and the Mona School of Dentistry in collaboration
with The Caribbean Institute for Health Research (CAIHR). The development of this research capacity requires
the training of clinical and basic scientists to be mentored by faculty from the University of the West Indies in
collaboration with The University at Buffalo and Rush University in the US. Trainees will be degree candidates
at the University of the West Indies enrolled in Masters or PhD programs and dental clinicians conducting post-
doctoral fellowship training, who will be part of inter-disciplinary teams that will investigate the social, behavioral,
microbiome and host response determinants of periodontitis in Jamaican subject cohorts. The specific aims of
this application are to 1) Create a core of young investigators (4 pre-doctoral basic scientists or epidemiologists
and 4 post-doctoral dentist-scientists) to conduct inter-disciplinary research in periodontal disease and
associated comorbidities in Jamaica. 2) Provide a multidisciplinary team-based mentoring approach to conduct
innovative research that integrates epidemiology, microbiome science, immunology, translational medicine and
data science. 3) Build the foundation to establish large human subject cohorts at the University of the West Indies
to study periodontal disease and associated comorbidities, thereby supporting future independent research
activities of young faculty who will train the next generation of graduate students and fellows. These objectives
will be accomplished through inter-disciplinary teams of mentors and trainees focused on evaluating the
pathophysiology of periodontitis in a cohort of children/adolescents and in an adult cohort affected by
cardiometabolic systemic disease. Customized curricula based on each trainee’s individualized development
plan will be implemented. Trainees will have a short-term (6 months) training experience in US laboratories
directed by faculty mentors with extensive experience in epidemiology, periodontology, microbiome,
bioinformatics, immunology and cardiometabolic disease, while completing their research degree or postdoctoral
programs at the University of the West Indies. This program is expected to provide a rigorous interdisciplinary
scientific training experience and create a pool of candidates with potential to join the Faculty at the University
of the West Indies. This program will also address a need for oral health research and interventions in Jamaica.