USA flag Friday, July 26, 2024

Refugee and Entrant Assistance State/Replacement Designee Administered Programs


Total Assistance, FY 2008 to Present
Assistance Type: FORMULA GRANTS
Popular Name: Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance Program and Refugee Support Services Program
Assistance Listing Number

Objectives: The Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance (CMA) Program reimburses States and Replacement Designees for the cost of cash and medical assistance provided to refugees, certain Amerasians from Vietnam, Cuban and Haitian entrants, asylees, victims of a severe form of trafficking, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants, certain Afghan Humanitarian Parolees, and certain Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees during the first 12 months after their date of arrival or date of eligibility. Specifically, CMA covers the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA), and Medical Screening programs, and recipient administrative costs. CMA also includes the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) program, and reimbursement is provided for care of enrolled URMs and recipient administrative costs. The Refugee Support Services (RSS) Program provides formula funding for employment and other social services for the same population for 5 years after their date of arrival or date of eligibility. The RSS Program also supports “set-aside” funding to support specific populations or initiatives such as the Refugee School Impact Program which supports the academic integration of refugee youth from birth to age 18; the Services for Older Refugee Program which supports the integration of refugees aged 60 and above; the Youth Mentoring Program which supports the educational and vocational advancement of refugee young adults; and the Refugee Health Promotion Program which builds the capacity of communities to address the mental health and physical health needs of refugee populations. In FY 2022, in response to new priorities, Congress appropriated specific funding to support certain arrivals from Afghanistan and Ukraine. The Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriation, 2022 and the Additional Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (ASA) supports services for certain Afghan arrivals; and the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (AUSAA) supports services for certain Ukrainian arrivals. See ORR Policy Letters 22-01, 22-02, 22-10, and 22-13 for additional information on Afghan and Ukrainian arrivals eligible for these services.
