Project Title: Georgia Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting
Program Recipient Name: Department of Public Health
Recipient Address: 200 Piedmont Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30334
Project Director: Earlisha Bibbs
Email Address:
Web Address:
ANNOTATION: Georgia is committed to implementing high-quality evidence-based Maternal, Infant, and, Early Childhood Home Visiting programs in twenty-two at-risk counties as an essential strategy for strengthening the system of care and improving the well-being of families. These comprehensive programs maintain high standards, quality service delivery with fidelity to the model, and continuous program quality improvement. The state has developed a comprehensive, community-based maternal and early childhood system that provides a universal approach to identifying expectant parents, children birth to five, and their families. The Formula funding allows Georgia to continue to strengthen the capacity for addressing the overall health, safety, and well-being of at-risk families and children
throughout the state by utilizing evidence-based practices and strategies.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The goal of Georgia’s MIECHV program is to enhance the well-being of all families by implementing comprehensive EBHV models through local implementing agencies (LIAs), while promoting program quality, utilizing data for decision-making, leveraging fatherhood involvement, prioritizing health equity, and supporting LIAs in home visitor recruitment, retention, and well-being.
Program objectives include:
1. By September 29, 2026, the GHVP will provide consistent TA and training to 100% of the funded home visiting programs in the 22 counties.
2. By September 29, 2026, the GHVP will maintain 100% site-level model fidelity as determined by reports from model developers, TA providers, and state lead for the three models utilized in Georgia: Healthy Families Georgia® (HFA), Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP), and Parents as Teachers® (PAT).
3. By September 29, 2026, the GHVP will provide EBHV model core training and subject matter expertise for addressing serious family concerns such as maternal depression to 100% of the MIECHV sites.
4. By September 29, 2026, the GHVP will assist 85% of Georgia home visiting sites with development and/or continued implementation of a father involvement action plan.
5. By September 29, 2026, 85% of home visiting staff report they always feel supported to manage their work and still be present for the families or staff they support.
METHODOLOGY: DPH will use the FY24 MIECHV grant to support the implementation of three EBHV models to target the needs of expectant parents, children birth to five, and their families in twenty-two communities. The current caseload for GA MIECHV is 1461. The FY24 caseload will be 1484 in year 1 and 1484 in year 2 of the project period. The system functions include identification, referral, screening, parent education, and linkage to appropriate community services. The implementation also includes the development of a cohesive plan to promote program quality and effectiveness, as well as a coordinated data system to guide decision-making, improve coordination of services, and assist counties in monitoring progress toward desired results and continuous quality improvement. The Georgia MIECHV program is also committed to being intentional about engaging fathers, promoting equitable services through community partnerships, and training on health equity and the social determinants of health.