Annotation: The District of Columbia Department of Health (DC Health) will provide high-quality, evidence-based home visiting services to at 160 eligible families of perinatal women and children ages 0-5 years, living in very low-income communities through the implementation of the SafeCare Augmented (SafeCare) evidence-based home visiting model and Parents as Teachers (PAT) with fidelity. These services will target Health Planning Groups located in Wards 4, 5, 7, and 8, which have been identified as geographical areas with the lowest socio-economic indicators and poorest health outcomes in the updated 2020 Needs Assessment. The goal is to improve maternal and child outcomes that align with the DC Health Community Health Administration Framework. Problem: Poor maternal and child health outcomes in targeted Wards; staff and family retention Purpose: To improve maternal and child health outcomes via high-quality evidence-based home visiting models with fidelity. Priority Goals and Objectives for FY 2024 – FY 2026 Goal 1: Provide program support and services to pregnant people and children to achieve positive maternal and child health outcomes and reduce health disparities in communities that face greater risks and barriers. Objective: By September 2026, DC Health will increase the percent of enrolled infants who are breastfed exclusively through 6 months of age from 61.1% to 63.2% Goal 2: Partner with District agencies to increase the percentage of children who receive developmental screenings and are referred to early intervention services, as needed, per developmental screening results. Objective: By September 2026, increase the percentage of children, ages 9 through 35 months who receive timely developmental screenings using a parent-completed screening tool each year from 82.1% to 85% Goal 3: Assist with the development of a well-designed platform that provides a more systemic way to match families’ needs and priorities to speci
fic programs and resources within the District. Objective: By September 2026, develop and implement a centralized intake process and data management system, in collaboration with Help Me Grow DC and the DC Home Visiting Council, to enhance care coordination, service linkages, and referrals to home visiting programs. Goal 4: Goal: Implement a substance use disorder (SUD) screening tool to monitor the need and use of SUD treatments and referrals within home visiting programs in the District of Columbia. Objective: By September 2026, increase the proportion of families who are successfully screened using an evidence-based substance use disorder tool. Approach: SafeCare Augmented and Parents as Teachers are the evidence-based home visiting program to be funded by these MIECHV Funds. Services will target Health Planning Groups in Wards 4, 5, 7, and 8 identified as having the lowest socioeconomic indicators and poorest health outcomes. These Health Planning Groups are: 2, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, and 39. During the performance period, the project will serve 160 eligible families: SafeCare Augmented=120; PAT=40. DC Health will provide direct home visiting services though the implementation of SafeCare Augmented and will provide funding to Community of Hope to expand their home visiting programs, increase program capacity to satisfy MIECHV performance standards, and provides services to families in targeted Wards. Additionally, DC Health will provide funding to Mamatoto to provide training and technical assistance annually to 50 home visiting staff