New York State Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting 2023 Project Abstract Summary Address: ESP, Corning Tower, Room 821, Albany, NY 12237 Project Director Name: Ben Wise Contact Phone Numbers: Voice: (518) 474-0535; e-Fax: (518) 474-7054 Email: Wise, Ben T (HEALTH) <> Web: Grant program funds requested: $12,400,151 Purpose: The New York State (NYS) Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) initiative aims to address disparate health outcomes among families in low-income households and at-risk communities. This is accomplished by implementing evidence-based home visiting programs. Programming at both the local and state level is integrated within a comprehensive, coordinated system of perinatal, infant and early childhood services. Goal(s) And Objectives: There are three overarching goals: improve pregnancy outcomes for pregnant persons and babies, improve children’s health and development, and strengthen family functioning and life course. There are six objectives to meet these goals: 1. By September 29, 2025, Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and Healthy Families New York (HFNY) programs will have continuously implemented their programs in accordance with model elements established by the respective model developers. 2. By September 29, 2025, NFP and HFNY programs will maintain an active enrollment of at least 85% of their maximum service capacity. 3. By September 29, 2025, NFP and HFNY programs will increase reciprocal referrals between community agencies (e.g., hospitals, prenatal care providers, schools, WIC, local departments of social services) serving pregnant and newly parenting families. 4. By September 29, 2025, NFP and HFNY will demonstrate improvements in measurable outcomes for participating families. 5. By September 29, 2025, NYSDOH MIECHV staff will actively participate in workgroups to increase and strengthen coordination and integration of home visiting programs within larger maternal and infant health and early childhood services systems. 6. By September 29, 2025, NYSDOH MIECHV staff will analyze MIECHV performance measures disaggregated by race and ethnicity, and share the results with NFP and HFNY programs to collaboratively address any disparities. Methodology: The NYSDOH MIECHV initiative will support HFNY programs in six counties (Bronx, Erie, Kings, Monroe, Oneida, Queens), NFP projects in eight counties (Bronx, Erie, Kings, Monroe, Nassau, Queens, Onondaga and Richmond counties). The caseload of family slots of currently contracted programs is 3456. The total proposed caseload of family slots is 3565 for FFY 2024 and FFY 2025. NYS MIECHV participates in a variety of interagency and state-wide workgroups and initiatives related to perinatal, infant and child health and early childhood systems, ensuring home visiting is well-integrated into the larger systems.