The Collaborative Network for Nurturing Ecosystems of Common Fund Team Science (CONNECT) Integration
and Coordination Center (ICC) is dedicated to revolutionizing biomedical research within the Common Fund
Data Ecosystem (CFDE) through exceptional efficiency, transparency, and innovation. Led by Prof. Jake Chen
at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), with support from Prof. Casey Greene, Prof. Sean Davis,
Prof. Peipei Ping, and Prof. Wei Wang, our synergistic Administrative, Evaluation, and Sustainability Cores
underpin the ICC's ability to fulfill its mission. The significance of the CONNECT ICC lies in its alignment of
missions, goals, and efforts to drive transformative discoveries and applications within the CFDE. Through
comprehensive operation guidelines and protocols, our Administrative Core, led by Prof. Chen, ensures
effective coordination, tracking, and project management across CFDE-participating entities. This core
spearheads the implementation of an Agile project management system, utilizing advanced collaboration tools
like U-BRITE, to optimize communication, coordination, and collaboration among CFDE stakeholders. By
fostering efficient operations and transparent communication, the Administrative Core promotes software-
assisted agile project management methodology innovation and accelerates scientific progress. The Evaluation
Core, led by Prof. Greene and Prof. Davis at the University of Colorado at Anschutz, is vital in driving continuous
quality improvement within the CFDE. By establishing evaluation metrics aligned with CFDE principles and
engaging with stakeholders, this core ensures the effectiveness and impact of CFDE activities. The Evaluation
Core's innovative approaches, including developing a report generator and continuous engagement for feedback
and improvement, drive the advancement of the CFDE and facilitate evidence-based decision-making. The
Sustainability Core, led by Prof. Ping and supported by Prof. Wang at UCLA, addresses the long-term viability
and reusability of CF program data and resources. Through the MATCH approach and the CFDE Digital Asset
Repository Roadmap, this core promotes seamless data transitioning, maximizes data dissemination, and
enhances community reuse. By developing best practices for data management, coordinating data transfer
strategies, and identifying suitable repositories, the Sustainability Core ensures the preservation and accessibility
of invaluable CF program data for future research and discoveries. Overall, our CONNECT ICC's innovation
lies in its ability to harmoniously integrate the efforts of the Administrative, Evaluation, and Sustainability Cores.
By fostering efficient operations, promoting continuous quality improvement, and ensuring data sustainability,
the ICC drives transformative biomedical discoveries, facilitates collaborative research, and accelerates the
impact of the CFDE. Through the expertise and dedication of our team, the CONNECT ICC is poised to help
CFDE revolutionize the biomedical research landscape and advance the mission of the Common Fund.