The Cancer Research and Education to Advance HealTh Equity (CREATE) Partnership’s overarching goals
are to further increase SDSU’s cancer research capacities and expand SDSU’s and UCSD’s emphasis on
cancer health disparities research. Bi-directional community engagement is also a principal feature that is
integrated across every organizational component in the CREATE Partnership and is a strength that SDSU
has built over the last 30 years. Additional goals include developing cancer research opportunities and
pathways for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, as well as early-stage investigators (ESIs),
which will lead to a future workforce that is more diverse and reflective of the catchment-area population. To
meet these overarching goals, the following Specific Aims are proposed: 1) Recruit and support diverse ESIs
who have chosen an intentional career goal to become independent, cancer-focused researchers
(Administrative Core and Transforming fAcuLty dEvelopmeNT for Equity [TALENT] Shared Resource); 2)
Conduct catchment-area relevant research and pilot research projects aligned with identified cancer priorities
for the underserved communities in the region (Research and Research Pilot Projects and Planning and
Evaluation Core); 3) Expand and implement cancer, cancer disparities, and community-engaged research
education with a focus on under-represented students across SDSU and UCSD undergraduate, graduate
programs, and medical students (Research Education Core); and 4) Integrate community engagement into all
CREATE Partnership activities (Outreach Core). To achieve these aims, the CREATE Partnership requests the
initial support for two Full Research Projects and one Pilot Research Project designed to provide insight into
the mechanisms (or behaviors) underlying cancer health disparities. All three projects will be jointly led by
SDSU and UCSD Co-Leads; Project 2 is co-led by two under-represented researchers. The Research Projects
will be integrated with the Research Education Core, providing expanded research experiences in cancer,
cancer disparities, and community-engaged research to under-represented undergraduate, graduate, and
medical students. A TALENT Shared Resource will foster the career development of Partnership ESIs. The
Outreach Core will develop new and strengthen existing community-academic partnerships to foster cancer
research, education, and tailored outreach efforts with a focus on the dissemination and implementation of
evidence-based interventions that can reduce the cancer burden. The Partnership is notably bolstered by
strong institutional commitment, an Administrative Core composed of investigators with demonstrated
leadership and organizational capabilities, and a strong Planning and Evaluation Core guided by an external
Program Steering Committee, an Internal Advisory Board, and a Community Advisory Board.