The recipient, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CSMC), supports this five-year Regional Emerging Special Pathogen Treatment Center Cooperative Agreement in collaboration with federal, state, and local stakeholders related to special pathogens (SP) preparedness, response, and treatment. The goal of the CSMC SP Program is to continue to sustain and advance comprehensive, coordinated response and treatment for SP patients within Health and Human Services (HHS) Region 9 (R9) and further abroad, as needed. The approach is to expand preparedness efforts and advance treatment and research capabilities within HHS R9 as part of the National Special Pathogens Preparedness System (NSPS). The objectives are: 1) to maintain the ability to be ready to accept and treat SP patients using standardized protocols; 2) enhance capability and capacity to participate in SP research; 3) train and maintain a workforce capable of providing SP patient care; 4) support continued planning for development of a regional network for SP patient care delivery; 5) maintain coordination plans to enable regional partners to have the capabilities to care for SP patients; 6) engage in evaluation activities and assessments to ensure readiness to accept and treat a SP patient and; 7) provide evaluation and performance measurement of activities. The outcomes are to promote quality, coordinated SP care that is equally accessible to all patients through the development of a specialized workforce, enhancement of research capabilities, and improved coordination of care across HHS R9. The products from this agreement will be: 1) a final comprehensive SP program report including peer-evaluated assessments of previously described objectives; 2) published articles; 3) a website; and 4) workforce enhancing training opportunities.