Sponsored by the NHGRI and established at the Coriell Institute in 2006, the NHGRI Sample Repository for
Human Genetic Research provides a publically accessible, and centralized resource of well-characterized
biospecimens from a wide range of global human populations, including the 1000 Genomes Project collection,
for use in biomedical research. The objectives of the NHGRI Repository are to stimulate and facilitate the study
of human genetic and genomic variation by establishing, maintaining, and distributing a repository of high-quality,
renewable, reproducible, well-characterized, and broadly consented cell lines and DNA. The NHGRI Repository
is a global resource that has been used by thousands of investigators to support countless research studies.
Since its inception, over two hundred thousand cell lines, DNA and RNA samples have been distributed to
researchers in 50 countries around the world, and thousands of scientific articles have resulted from studies
using these samples and associated data. Proposed NHGRI Repository activities include: (1) maintaining
inventory and distributing NHGRI Repository cell lines and DNA samples for the existing repository collection,
(2) distributing custom preparations and lots of DNA, High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA, RNA, cell pellets, and
custom plates and panels as requested by the scientific community, (3) expanding the repository to include
biospecimen submissions from the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium and creating a new panel of
induced pluripotent stem cells that will encompass a wide range of genomic variation to meet the growing needs
of the research community, and (4) maintaining a comprehensive and secure database and public online catalog
for NHGRI Repository activities, and engaging the scientific community and public at large through scientific
presentations, conferences, educational events, and community reports. With over 50 years of NIH-sponsored
biobanking expertise, Coriell is uniquely qualified to achieve these aims and strategically expand the operations
and offerings of the NHGRI Repository. The goals of the NHGRI Repository are consistent with the NHGRI’s
mission to support development of resources and technology that accelerate genomic research. Coriell is a
trusted NIH partner and has the infrastructure, expertise, and track-record to ensure the successful operations,
maintenance and growth of this important and unique genomic resource.