Project Summary/Abstract:
This comparison study is intended to compare Sensititre™ Vet AST COMPGP1F/COMPGN1F
plates to bioMérieux Vitek® AST-GP81/AST-GN96 cards for performance of antimicrobial
susceptibility testing (AST) results. This method comparison will be performed on common
bacterial companion animal pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus species,
Staphylococcus pseundintermedius, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other Enterobacterales
isolates. These bacterial pathogens may be shared between companion animals and humans;
therefore, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of these isolates is a critical concern. AST results on
companion animals are significant for prediction of treatment outcome and are valuable
comparisons to AMR trends occurring in humans. Although widely used in veterinary
microbiology, AST plates manufactured by the currently dominating vendor, Sensititre™, are
lacking the necessary range of antimicrobials to adequately detect common resistance
mechanisms which would allow for appropriate comparison to AMR trends occurring in humans.
The bioMérieux Vitek is commonly used in human microbiology laboratories; AST cards
designed for this system incorporate ranges of antimicrobial concentrations of clinical and
epidemiological interest for key indicators of antimicrobial resistance. Although the
manufacturer has products designed for veterinary use, few laboratories in the United States use
the bioMérieux Vitek instrument for AST. To date, there are no published studies comparing
Sensititre™ AST to bioMérieux Vitek. Findings of this methods comparison will be published,
which will provide objective data that veterinary diagnostic laboratories can use to determine
which method is most appropriate for their laboratories. This comparison study will enhance
AMR surveillance capabilities of the NDSU VDL and will directly support Vet-LIRN initiatives
of protecting public health. This study may identify a reliable and affordable second vendor for
AST in veterinary microbiology, which also ensures that all vendors continue offering useful
veterinary products and encourages routine improvements of products offered to veterinary
diagnostic laboratories.