MARC@UHM will strive for “Hoʻoulu nā laeʻula akeakamai”, a Hawaiian phrase meaning “good mentoring
leads to well-trained scientists.” According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, the undergraduate (UG)
student body and faculty at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) are the most diverse in the nation, but
inequities persist. Only 8.5% of PhD candidates in STEM-related programs at UHM are underrepresented (UR)
backgrounds. UHM has a rich pool of UR students who are not entering STEM-related PhD programs and
therefore are not contributing their cultural diversity to our nation's scientific workforce. Thus, the mission of
MARC@UHM is to provide training in biological research for a diverse group of UHM students, including
Hawaiian/Part Hawaiian, other Pacific Islanders (Samoan, Tongan, Micronesian, Guamanian/Chamorro, mixed
Pacific Islander), Filipino, Hispanic, African American; underrepresented Asians (e.g., Cambodian,
Vietnamese, Laotian); those from disadvantaged backgrounds, including low social-economic and residents of
rural outer islands; and students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities. MARC@UHM's objectives are to
i) enroll 10 students annually and teach them to identify important research questions, design and conduct
rigorous and reproducible experiments, and analyze data and interpret results, ii) provide each trainee with 4
semesters of mentored research and a summer research experience; iii) develop skills trainees need to be
competitive in graduate school and in careers as research professionals, and iv) assist each trainee in
applying to at least 5 graduate school programs early in the senior year. An estimated >900 UR STEM
students in biomedical research are eligible for the MARC@Hawaii Program. The Training Plan starts with
recruiting high school seniors entering UHM, especially those from the outer islands, to a Pre-MARC (The Ma
Mua MARC) Program as freshman and sophomores. The Ma Mua MARC encourages UR STEM majors to
consider research as a career option, invites them to attend MARC-seminars and functions, and creates a
community of peers. The 2-year program from juniors and seniors begins with a summer workshop, “Let's get
started” where trainees and research mentors are paired. The Plan includes: a 2-credit course each semester
designed specifically for MARC trainees, 4 semesters of mentored research, a summer research experience
(either at UHM or working with a collaborator of their UHM mentor at an external site), a short workshop,
attending a national meeting annually, and presenting their research at professional meetings. Over 25 UHM
faculty and 10 faculty at external sites with diverse backgrounds in ethnicity, age, gender, and rank will
participate. The primary outcome measure is the number of trainees graduating with BA/BS in 4-years who
transition to research-intensive Graduate Programs. Thus, MARC@UHM seeks to increase Hawaii's UR
citizens who transition to research careers, as they bring diverse cultural backgrounds, life experiences, ideas,
and interests to biomedical research.