Project Summary/Abstract:
This request, as a resubmission from UNC Chapel Hill, is for an upgrade from an older nanoLC-MS/MS, a Sciex
5500 QTRAP, that was acquired in 2008 with a SIG. A microLC-MS/MS triple quadrupole is requested, the Sciex
7500 QTRAP Ready that is coupled to a Waters M-Class microLC. This upgrade will increase peptide sensitivity
relative to the 5500 by approximately 40-fold and permit faster throughput. Our laboratory has operated the
Sciex 5500 coupled with a Waters NanoAcquitity for about 13 years, over time building an extensive group of
collaborators within the Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine, as well as scientists from other universities,
nationally and internationally. Some collaborations have also been with the pharmaceutical industry within drug
discovery and metabolism. The focus has been almost entirely quantitative targeted absolute proteomics (QTAP)
using proteotypic stable isotope labeled (SIL) peptides as standards for calibration. Our lab is established as a
leader in the development and application of QTAP for multiplex measurements of proteins involved in the
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of drugs. This has led to the creation of an extensive
library of SIL peptides standards permitting the accurate and precise quantification of 50 or more proteins in a
single sample, usually enzymes and transporters, in as little as 50,000 cells (e.g. human hepatocytes), with
methods validated for about 200 proteins across humans and preclinical species. The application of QTAP within
biomedical research is almost limitless and more recently we have developed methods for integrin surface
adhesion proteins in exosomes (Users: Kabanov, Batrakova) as well as phosphorylation events on ITAM
signaling proteins in macrophages (User: Vilen). Given the broad potential for use of QTAP in medical research,
it is still largely untapped due to the lack of familiarity of its potential by many biomedical researchers and the
need to establish and centralize SIL peptide standards. Our experience has created a facility that is growing on
the UNC campus and providing a service that is unique compared to other MS facilities on this campus and at
other universities, now including collaborations with the Lineberger Cancer Center at UNC to examine cancers
with QTAP (User: Emanuele). As a result of our experience and unique capabilities, some of our collaborators
are from other universities (User: Aleksunes) within the US and abroad. With our success and increasing
instrument capabilities, the need for greater throughput and sensitivity is needed, thus the request to obtain a
Sciex 7500. As part of this request the new instrument and our staff will be integrated into the Nanomedicine
Characterization Facility Core (NCCF), under the Center for Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery (CNDD) within
the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. This will include a training component within a T32 grant to educate
fellows, graduate students, faculty, and the attendees at Workshops conducted by the Center (open to all) on
the use and benefits of QTAP for biomedical research.