Instrument Description: Nature’s use of first-row transition metals and single-electron redox means that it
abounds with paramagnetic species amenable to study by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
spectroscopy. The proposed continuous-wave (CW) X-band (9 GHz) EPR system will enable sensitive,
variable-temperature measurements of biomolecules, synthetic mimics, and other samples. It will be housed in
the Texas State University (TXST) Shared Research Operations (SRO), which will maintain the system, bear
ongoing costs, and manage booking/training for TXST and external users at our main campus at San Marcos.
Need: TXST is a Hispanic-serving institution (HSI) with an upward trajectory of research and education in
biomedicine and related disciplines. To support this trajectory, we need a sensitive, temperature-controlled
EPR spectrometer to study biological and synthetic paramagnetic species we encounter. Present TXST
instruments, such as NMR spectrometers and a benchtop EPR spectrometer, cannot provide the information
about these systems that the proposed high-resolution and -sensitivity instrument can afford. Lastly, while
students already receive some hands-on experience with NMR spectroscopy, for students to recognize the
importance of metallocofactors and EPR, students also need hands-on experience with this related technique.
Long-Term Objectives: The EPR spectrometer and its accessories will be housed in a central SRO facility near
many Departments in the TXST College of Science and Engineering, with 24/7 access to trained users. CW-
EPR spectrometers are simple to maintain and we expect smooth operation well beyond the warranty period.
Although our EPR research and teaching will initially feature mostly scientists from the Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry, a long-term objective is to grow our user base to include those from Biology and
Materials Science programs, as well as off-campus at Star Park, a hub for biotechnology and other start-ups.
Utility in Biomedical Research and Education: The proposed EPR spectrometer will find great utility in the
TXST Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and beyond. For example, the Schilter Group studies
synthetic metal complexes that mimic metalloenzyme active sites, not least those involved in energy
metabolism. These complexes teach us about key intermediates in methane and oxygen processing. Further,
the Peterson Group is characterizing copper uptake in fungal pathogens that rely on copper transport proteins.
With copper being paramagnetic in its divalent state, the proposed EPR will be essential for assessing the
active-site geometry of isoforms and mutants. Lastly, students will experience hands-on EPR spectroscopy —
both data collection and spectral fitting — as part of several undergraduate and graduate courses at TXST.