Project Summary
In recent years the use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) has exponentially increased. These materials
have been incorporated in new or developing technologies, and industries worldwide are using these
nanomaterials as integrated sensors, semiconductors, drug delivery systems, structural materials, and
components of sunscreens and cosmetics, clothing and children’s toys. The principal properties that
differentiate ENM from other materials are increased relative surface area, and high quantum effects which can
change or enhance several properties of the manufactured materials, including their reactivity, strength and
electrical characteristics. However, these characteristics may also confer other detrimental properties related to
their biological toxicity (high rate of pulmonary deposition and high inflammatory potency per unit mass, among
others), which may lead to adverse health effects. Even though the number of ENMs entering the market is
increasing every year, there is a lack of information regarding the degree and conditions in which workers and
consumers are exposed to ENMs and their potential adverse health outcomes. In vitro studies conducted with
carbon nanotubes and titanium dioxide nanoparticles have provided inconsistent results regarding toxicity.
Differences in ENM aerosolization and sampling methods, exposure mechanism and dose, cell line and
conducted cytotoxicity assays, contribute to these discrepancies in the results. However, the greatest
challenges are associated with particle delivery (exposure mechanism) and dosimetry. In addition, common in
vitro models use submerged cell cultures which is a simplistic representation of human lung. In recent years,
more realistic cell cultures in the air-liquid-interface (ALI) have been used for assessing biological outcomes of
airborne particles in general. As a result, aerosol exposure chambers, which culture and expose multiple ALI
cells to aerosolized nanoparticles have been developed. Although these systems provide new tools to study
the toxicity of airborne particles there are still many shortcomings (long exposure times, dosimetry
characterization, reduced particle deposition in the nanometer size range, large size and heavy weight, etc.)
that must be resolved before their wide-scale acceptance. Here we proposed the adaptation of a newly
developed airborne particle delivery technology for efficient and reliable exposure of ALI cells to ENMs in both
working and indoor environments.