Precise, coordinated regulation of gene expression is essential for the viability of all organisms
and prevents the formation of many disease states. A critical challenge for the cell is to coordinate
the regulation of thousands of genes that are distant from each other in the linear genome.
Coordinate regulation of distant genes is key for diverse, essential biological processes from
activation of the zygotic genome, to cellular differentiation, and dosage compensation. Our goal
is to reveal how the correct genes are precisely coregulated spatially and temporally. Prior to the
zygotic genome becoming activated, only a few key transcription factors (TFs), called pioneer
TFs9, occupy their DNA targets. Pioneer TFs can bind closed chromatin, recruit chromatin
remodelers, and target additional TFs and complexes to coregulate genes. We and others
recently identified a new conserved mechanism by which GA-binding pioneer TFs coregulate
genes through a new class of cis regulatory elements called tethering elements which mediate
chromatin looping and are distinct from enhancers and promoters. However, it is critical to
determine the mechanisms by which tethering elements function spatially and temporally to
coregulate the correct targets. We leverage the conserved, dynamic process of male X-
chromosome dosage compensation (DC) to define the mechanisms by which tethering elements
co-regulate genes because hundreds of tethering elements co-upregulate thousands of non-
contiguous active X-linked genes. Thus far, we have identified the following mechanisms that are
necessary, but not sufficient to, drive the specificity of tethering elements during Drosophila DC,
a powerful genetic and biochemical system: 1) long-range 3D chromatin loops mediated by a
conserved pioneer TF that dimerizes and binds to clusters of GA-rich motifs; 2) competition
between functionally similar GA-binding pioneer TFs; 3) pioneer TF interaction with long non-
coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Based on these findings, we hypothesize that competition between
similar GA-binding pioneer TFs that dimerize at clustered GA repeats and directly interact with
lncRNAs drive the specific contacts that precisely co-regulate target genes spatially and
temporally. We will answer the following key questions: Question #1: How does competition
between pioneer TFs drive three-dimensional looping? Question #2: How does interaction
between TFs and lncRNAs coregulate genes? Question #3: How is the spatial and temporal
specificity of gene co-regulation determined? By defining how pioneer TFs and lncRNAs function
together to accurately spatially and temporally coregulate distant genes, we will determine
fundamental new mechanisms for gene regulation.