Project Summary/ Abstract
The goal of this application is to develop a nationally accessible program taken over a one-year time period to
help students transition confidently into any career in the biomedical research workforce. The SHort Course In
TransFerable Skills Training (SHIFT) Program will provide our trainees with skills needed to develop their
careers regardless of the path they choose. The skill set taught to participants focuses on the primary
constituents of career management, namely marketing, relationship building, project management, and
budgeting. Providing this course to students within the first three years of their training in their PhD programs
will provide foundational support at the time most needed, when they are formulating their career development
plans. Our goal will be accomplished with three aims. Aim 1 will build the innovative interactive learning
platform to deliver the SHIFT Program in professional development. In Aim 2, we will select the first cohort of
participants to test and evaluate the program. In Aim 3, we will iteratively improve and further evaluate the
program with an additional 3 cohorts. The aims will be completed through the use of four training modules. In
Module I, students will complete self-assessments and be assigned to a small peer-mentoring team of 5
students. Module II will consist of a 5-day workshop that encompasses instruction on the transferrable skills.
Module III will be composed of monthly interactive discussions over a 6-month period involving case study
review and mentor-guided book club discussions to further reinforce skills learned. Module IV is a culminating
activity in which students will compile the information from Modules I-III to develop an Individual Development
Plan that incorporates 3-5 specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based (SMART) career goals.
Plans will be shared during a one-day wrap-up session. A team of two mentor advisors will be assigned for
each small group to provide career information, advice, and support. Further mentoring will be included
through the use of peer mentoring to provide a continual sustained support system to overcome current and
future challenges. To influence a wide range of students, outreach activities will focus on institutions with large
populations of students underrepresented in biomedical science. Combined, these activities will allow
participants to train, practice, and refresh their skills, empowering them to navigate career transitions and
obtain success in the career of their choice.