Project summary
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has recently emerged as a powerful tool to obtain high-
resolution protein structures in their native state. Although major advances in hardware, data
collection, and data processing have enabled close to angstrom resolution of protein structures,
obtaining good specimens remains challenging and has become the bottleneck in single-particle
cryo-EM. Cryo-EM requires protein molecules embedded in a very thin layer of vitreous ice. This
is not easy because some proteins diffuse quickly to the air-water interface of such a thin sample
before vitrification and immediately undergo denaturation, aggregation, or adopting preferred
orientations. These events render the sample unsuitable for cryo-EM. Also, problems with protein
particles not going into the holes of the sample grid are encountered. We hypothesize that protein
particles can be distributed more uniformly on and maintain proximity to the grid surface by
covalent attachment. This proposal seeks to facilitate quality specimen preparation by developing
a specimen platform that utilizes the tetrazine ligation, a highly efficient biorthogonal reaction, to
capture and covalently attach protein particles to the grid surface. We will achieve this objective
by pursuing two specific aims: 1) develop tetrazine functionalized monolayer graphene grids, and
2) evaluate the quality of the resulting grids for single-particle cryo-EM. Unlike affinity grids that
rely on reversible noncovalent interactions to bring proteins close to the grid surface, our covalent
capture approach is innovative in capturaing proteins irreversibly. This prevents the release of
already bound particles and is particularly advantageous for low protein sample concentrations.