Opioid use and deaths from overdoses have skyrocketed in the United States over recent years. Most people
with opioid use disorder (OUD) relapse within weeks to months despite treatment. Relapse vulnerability is
strongly associated with severe and persistent sleep and circadian rhythm disruptions, suggesting therapeutics
that mitigate these alterations during withdrawal and abstinence may reduce craving and risk for relapse.
However, our understanding of the mechanisms across cellular and molecular levels in the brains of people with
OUD is extremely limited. We recently demonstrated alterations in several pathways related to dopamine, opioid,
and glutamate signaling in human brain associated with OUD. We also reported significant disruptions in
molecular rhythms associated with OUD in human nucleus accumbens (NAc), a major neural substrate for
reward and motivation, and a key region involved in arousal, sleep, and circadian rhythms. We and others
developed a novel and innovative approach for using time-of-death (TOD) of the subject to measure molecular
rhythms in postmortem brain associated with various psychiatric disorders to gain insights into disease-specific
neurobiological mechanisms and pathways in human brain. In this proposal, we will use TOD computational
tools combined with single nuclei RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) to investigate the relationship between
molecular rhythm disruption in specific cell types of the NAc in OUD using postmortem brains from unaffected
subjects and subjects with OUD. In Aim 1, we will use snRNA-seq and TOD analyses to create a cell type
specific map of molecular rhythms in the human NAc using control, ‘neurotypical’ subjects. In Aim 2, we will
compare molecular rhythms in specific cell types of the NAc from unaffected subjects to molecular rhythms in
NAc cell types from subjects with OUD to determine the extent of molecular rhythm disruptions associated with
OUD at the cellular level. Our studies will define the loss and gain of molecular rhythms in NAc cell types
associated with OUD, in addition to providing a framework for uncovering the temporal relationships (i.e.,
circadian) in transcript expression between different cell types in human brain. snRNA-seq findings will be
validated using spatial transcriptomics (MERSCOPE). The findings from our proposal will resolve molecular
rhythm alterations at the cellular level in the brains of subjects with OUD to begin to identify the mechanisms
underlying the relationships between circadian rhythms and OUD in the hopes of progressing towards strategies
that target the circadian system in the treatment of OUD.