Project Summary
Blood contacting medical devices, including rotary blood pumps, cause shear-induced blood damage that
may lead to adverse effects in patients. However, there is currently not a uniformly accepted engineering model
for predicting the blood damage caused by complex flow fields within ventricular assist devices (VADs) and other
blood contacting medical devices.
Our research group has designed and fabricated a novel device that can expose whole blood to controlled
fluid shear flows that are representative of those experienced in these pumps. The device is able to accurately
control the shear rate and exposure time experienced by blood and minimize the effects of other uncharacterized
stresses, such as mechanical or fluid lubricated bearings. We plan to use this novel device to study red cell
damage (hemolysis) and platelet activation in this shear flow. Although the effects of shear flow have been
studied, we believe that our novel device will generate data that is a quantum step forward. Our one-of-a-kind
device creates a shear relevant to those experienced in modern VADs without including incidental exposure to
heat and shear in the mechanical bearings of other shearing devices. Our recent publication suggests that a
paradigm shift (shear rate vs. shear stress) may be necessary to generate a truly predictive model of shear
damage that would be useful in designing future devices. If funded, we will complete the study of shear rate
instead of shear stress as a predictor for hemolysis (Aim 1), expand measurements to shear activation of
platelets (Aim 2), and explore the variation in damage between species (Aim 3), which is critical because pre-
clinical in vitro testing of medical devices typically uses non-human blood.
Although there have been significant advances in the ability of computer programs to predict the velocity and
shear flows through medical devices, the ability to then subsequently predict the damage resulting from this flow
is, frankly, poor. The results of this project will be a significant step towards a quantitative predictive model that
relates properties of the fluid flow field to damage. Additionally, we will share the results in the form of easy to
access quantitative models that relate hemolysis and platelet activation to shear stress and shear strain. We will
also create and share a tool to relate damage observed in non-human species to human blood.
Although our focus is on supraphysiologic flows caused by ventricular assist devices, the findings are relevant
to other blood contacting medical devices as well, such as prosthetic valves, dialysis, oxygenators, and cannulae.