Structural dynamics and energy landscapes of G protein signaling
Project Summary (Abstract)
Extracellular signals like hormones and neurotransmitters use G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) to activate
multiple signaling pathways inside the cells. GPCR‐mediated signaling is involved in many physiological
processes, making them attractive therapeutic targets in a broad range of disease areas that affect metabolic,
nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems, to name a few. These receptors have emerged as dynamic
signaling machines controlled by their ligands, where each receptor can potentially signal through a specific or
multiple heterotrimeric G proteins and each ligand is capable of signaling through multiple G proteins by
binding to G protein‐selective receptors. In addition, these receptors also utilize G protein independent signaling
pathways mediated by other transducer proteins like arrestins. The receptors are no longer considered simple
on‐off switches due to their complex signaling profiles. The heterotrimeric G proteins have emerged as maestro
controllers of receptor‐mediated signaling, capable of coupling as heterotrimers to receptors that results in G
protein dissociation into G and G subunits, which can couple to downstream effectors (like adenylyl cyclases,
phospholipases, ion channels, or receptor kinases) and to regulators (like RGS proteins ‐ regulators of G protein
signaling). This signaling control by G proteins is orchestrated via conformational changes triggered by binding
to receptors, GDP/GTP‐exchange, dissociation into G and G subunits, GTP hydrolysis, and binding to RGS
proteins. G proteins have also been shown to couple with some receptors unproductively, i.e., no GDP/GTP
exchange or G protein activation takes place. This proposal leverages the experimental structures available for
a handful of G protein conformations and uses computational approaches like molecular dynamics to provide a
mechanistic basis for G protein activation. The main objectives in this proposal aim to determine the structural
determinants and thermodynamic landscapes for G protein coupling with the receptors that causes GDP release,
their dissociation from the receptors after GDP‐GTP exchange, and the effect of ligands on their constitutive
activity. These computational studies will be complemented with experimental biophysical and biochemical
methods and will provide unprecedented mechanistic insight into molecular determinants of G protein