Contact PD/PI: Ablordeppey, Seth
Funded Project Summary/Abstract: Numerous studies have indicated that 5-HT7R plays a
significant role in various psychophysiological functions such as mood stability, cognitive and motor
functions, pain tolerance, sleep patterns, appetite, and thermoregulation. Pre-clinical findings have
established the role of 5-HT7R in autism spectrum disorders, Fragile X syndrome (FXS), epilepsy,
sleep disorders, neuropathic pain and migraine. Meanwhile, several 5-HT7R agonists, have been
reported and their potential use in various CNS conditions are being investigated. However, the
beneficial effects of activation or blockade of the 5-HT7R is not often clearly established, primarily due
to the lack of selective 5-HT7R agents. Even more critical is the absence of biased ligands that could
clarify several controversial observations that relate to the 5-HT7R. Thus, our goal to design,
synthesize and pharmacologically evaluate new agents with biased signaling towards G-Protein or β-
arrestin signaling pathways hold great promise in understanding the 5-HT7R and its application to the
treatment of various CNS disorders. Three specific aims (SAs) are proposed. SA 1 will focus on
extending our studies on the lead agents for their drug-like properties including brain penetration,
pharmacokinetic, metabolic, and bioavailability assessments and cardiotoxicity predictions (HERG, 5-
HT2BR). Based on the metabolic evaluations of lead compound 55933, the synthesis and screening of
new compounds is proposed in SA 2. This specific aim will also focus on optimization and design of
new agents to address the metabolic stability issues such as aromatization and glucuronidation
observed in the preliminary studies. For this reason, aromatization susceptible tetrahydroisoquinoline
moiety will be replaced with isoindoline which could not undergo aromatization and the CH2OH
group will be replaced with substituents such as -F, -CONH2 to restrict glucuronidation. In addition,
exploring the electron donating/ withdrawing (σ values) and hydrophilic/hydrophobic (pi values)
space around the THI/isoindoline ring systems with bioisosteric substituents, will reveal any
improvements in their drug-like characteristics. Simultaneously, docking studies will be carried out
using homology models to identify interactions with the key amino acid residues involved in inducing
conformations associated with β-arrestin recruitment to the 5-HT7R. SA 3 will cover functional
selectivity studies of lead 5-HT7R ligands for their agonist/antagonist properties and G-Protein or β-
arrestin signaling bias followed by evaluation of their effect on sleep architecture and NREM/REM
sleep pattern under in vivo conditions. Finally, selected test compounds will be compared with
SB269970 (5-HT7R antagonist) and compound 1g, a 5-HT7R partial agonist (as a positive control) for
their effect on NREM/REM sleep pattern in a mouse model.
Progress Report Summary of Parent Award: The full progress report will be submitted and
only a brief summary is provided here. In year 2, our primary focus has remained on aims 1 and 2 and
involved obtaining selective and functionally biased analogs for evaluation at 5-HTRs. We have
designed, synthesized, separated enantiomers, determined the absolute configuration by x-ray
crystallography and evaluated another six analogs of lead compounds for binding affinity and
functional activity at 5-HT and other CNS receptors. In addition, we have synthesized and evaluated
over twenty analogs which have been characterized. A major finding is reported in a manuscript
titled: Bricker, B. A.; Voshavar, C.; Onyameh, E. K.; Gonela, U. M.; Lin, X.; Swanson, T. L.; Kozell, L.
B.; Schmachtenberg, J. L.; Bloom, S. H.; Janowsky, A. J.; Ablordeppey, S. Y., Enantiomeric
Separation, Absolute Configuration by X-ray Crystallographic Analysis, and Functional Evaluation of
Enantiomers of the Dual Ligand, SYA0340 at 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(7A) Receptors. ACS Omega 2023, 8
(24), 21736-21744. In addition, we have applied to the USPTO to protect our intellectual property for
several of the compounds under the title: Design and discovery of a high affinity, selective and β-arrestin
biased 5-HT7 Receptor Agonist.
Project Summary/Abstract Page 6
Contact PD/PI: Ablordeppey, Seth
Scientific Justification of Supplement Request
A Waters Alliance HPLC/PDA/fraction collector system is needed to supplement an 18.5 year old
analytical HPLC system that has lost almost all of it's capability, including having only one pumping
chamber left which reduces capability down to only isocratic methods, only manual collection is left,
and it has numerous maintenance problems occurring at this point in the instrument's life, causing a
work stoppage, and slowing down severely the progress of our students and research staff. The new
system will enhance the throughput of the identification, separation, and collection of enantiomers
from our chiral drug discovery novel compounds using analytical size HPLC columns. The isolated
enantiomers and other test compounds from this system will be used in studies of test compounds
and metabolites in the plasma, and brains of rodents from brain penetration and pharmacokinetic
studies, metabolic profiling, and bioavailability assessments in support of Specific Aim 1. It will also
be used to assess the purity and confirm the synthesis of new compounds in support of Specific Aim 2.
It is needed to complete specific aims (SA1-2) as previously stated in the funded grant. This will
provide an enhanced capability for our lab and ready access for our diverse graduate students and
researchers to use for their PhD projects and research in support of (SA1-2).
The entire purchase price of the selected HPLC/PDA/fraction collector system is $99,488.21. We find
this price to be reasonable, as shown by the 3 quotes below. Other quotes are $105,429.43 and
$123,571.35. All quotes contain academic discounts. This purchase is incurred specifically for the
current grant and therefore the cost is 100% allocable to this grant. This equipment is necessary and
central to the success of the project to assess the purity and confirm compound identification from the
synthesis of new test compounds (SA2). The equipment is also necessary to produce purified test
compounds for our pharmacokinetic and brain penetration studies for this project (SA1).
The current amount of unobligated grant funds is estimated to be zero dollars ($0) by the end of the
second cycle March 31st, 2024. The expenditure plans are to continue to partially support a research
associate on the grant and to purchase needed chemicals, support the binding and functional studies
of compounds obtained, and evaluate them in animals. There is thus, a clear and dire need for
additional funds to acquire this needed equipment to enable the delivery of the specific aims of this
Future Maintenance of Equipment
For the first 3 years, the instrument is covered by a warranty or maintenance agreement and includes
a performance maintenance (PM) visit. Training will be provided, and the user will be able to fix most
problems after that. Subsequent grant submissions in out years will budget for maintenance of the
equipment. Training will be provided during installation. HPLC grade solvents and chemicals will be
purchased as needed using existing funds.
Project Summary/Abstract Page 7