The mechanism of elimination of the mitochondrial DNA replisome.
Specific Aims: Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food
into that of the phosphoanhydride bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The human mitochondrial genome
encodes proteins critical for ATP synthesis, therefore, defects in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
result in energy deprivation and may lead to the development of degenerative disorders involving the heart,
muscles, kidneys, liver and the central nervous system (1-3). For example, Alpers syndrome is characterized by
intractable epilepsy, psychomotor retardation and liver failure that leads to death in early childhood (4,5). Defects
of mtDNA maintenance have also been linked to other prominent disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
diseases, autism spectrum disorders, diabetes, as well as multiple types of cancer and aging (6-13). The
mechanisms of pathogenesis of mitochondrial diseases are unknown. There is no cure for any of the mtDNA-
associated diseases and only palliative treatment strategies are currently available (14).
The PI proposes to investigate a putative mechanism that prevents the formation of large-scale deletions
in mtDNA, which are the most common (de novo) defects of the mitochondrial genome (15-17). The mechanism
of deletions formation is unknown, but studies reported to date indicate that they commonly originate from mtDNA
replication stalling, which promotes breakage of DNA strands. Deletions are most likely formed in the process of
DNA breaks repair (18-20). Notably, the absence of specific mitochondrial molecular chaperones and proteases
promotes the destabilization of mtDNA and accumulation of deletions (21-27), which implies their role in
preventing deletions formation. On the other hand, our preliminary results indicate that a stalled mitochondrial
replicative polymerase remains DNA-bound for a significant extent of time, which could be deleterious and likely
requires active elimination. Therefore, we infer that, in normal conditions, dysfunctional mtDNA replisomes are
eliminated by specific chaperones and proteases, which in turn promotes replication restart. In pathological
conditions, the increased frequency of replication stalling (e.g. due to defects of the replicative enzymes) exceeds
the capacity of the putative elimination system resulting in an increase in DNA breaks frequency and the initiation
of the deleterious repair mechanism (we discussed this in detail in a recent review (20)). Notably, it has been
observed that the large-scale deletions accumulate in tissues with age (12,13,28) and, curiously, the activity of
the related chaperones and proteases has been observed to decrease with age as well (29-31). This apparent
correlation calls for the investigation of a causative relationship. In addition, the putative relationship between
chaperones/proteases systems and the accumulation of deletion-bearing (Δ)mtDNA molecules recently gained
significant recognition, due to reports indicating that mtUPR (unfolded protein response) warrants rapid
expansion of ΔmtDNA in the mtDNA population, which in turn exacerbates the development of related disorders
(32,33). The molecular basis of the clonal expansion of ΔmtDNA remains elusive. Markedly, the proteins and
mechanisms that we propose to investigate appear to be central to the clonal expansion of ΔmtDNA. In summary,
the project will help to understand the mechanism of ΔmtDNA formation and their clonal expansion, which are
currently the major challenges in the field. Furthermore, identification and characterization of a direct relationship
between the capacity of a cell to remove defective mitochondrial replisomes and the integrity of the mitochondrial
genome would bring to the field a novel and exciting perspective on the development of mitochondrial disorders,
with a potential for therapeutic applications.
Aim: To elucidate the role of human Lon and ClpXP proteases, and the Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system
in the elimination of the core mitochondrial DNA replisome.
Prominent mtDNA replisome stalling sites (34,35) correspond with binding sites of the major
mitochondrial protease, Lon (36). Previous studies from various model organisms indicated that Lon often
requires the assistance of a chaperone Hsp70/40 system, which unfolds and delivers protein substrates (37).
The Hsp70/40 system can also cooperate with another mitochondrial protease, ClpXP (38-40). Loss of Lon,
Hsp40 and ClpX impairs mtDNA stability in vivo (21,24,27). Therefore, the PI proposes that the stalled mtDNA
replisome is eliminated by two alternative mechanisms that engage either Lon or ClpXP protease. In addition,
the Hsp70/40 chaperone system may serve to disassemble the replisome and deliver its components to the
client protease (Figure 1). We will evaluate this hypothesis by applying a comprehensive approach combining
the cutting-edge technique of biolayer interferometry for the analysis of molecular affinities and kinetic
parameters, a methodical biochemical analysis entailing specialized enzymatic assays, and testing whether
elevated levels of Lon, Hsp70/40 and ClpX can alleviate the formation of induced deletions in vivo using
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model.
The implementation of this project will have a significant impact on undergraduate research at Auburn
University at Montgomery (AUM). The engagement of undergraduate students is fundamental for this project.
Students will have the opportunity to be involved in meritorious scientific proceedings, to receive intense hands-
on training, and to present and discuss obtained results at scientific meetings, as well as co-author resulting