Proposal Summary
Elucidating the fundamental mechanisms of enzyme regulation is paramount for disease prevention and
treatment. Aberrant enzyme activity is a chief factor in the manifestation of diseases including rheumatoid
arthritis, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Specifically, dysregulation of catalytically active ADAM (a
disintegrin and metalloprotease) protein family members directly contributes to excessive TNF-a release in
rheumatoid arthritis, processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) in Alzheimer's Disease, and augmented
growth factor and cytokine release in tumor establishment and metastatic spread. ADAMs are ectodomain
sheddases that transform latent cell-bound substrates to soluble, biologically active derivatives. However, a
major obstacle in understanding ADAM regulation/dysregulation in normal and disease states is that of the 21
human ADAMs, nearly half lack the active site consensus sequence indicative of a functional metalloprotease..
Preliminary data from our lab provide evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism for ADAM sheddase activity
involving noncatalytic members. The current study posits that noncatalytic ADAMs “mimic” select aspects of
catalytic ADAMs t0 compete for molecular binding partners (e.g. integrin adhesion receptors) essential for
catalysis. This novel regulatory model, tentatively termed "competitive mimicry”, embodies an unexplored
aspect of enzyme regulation with potential broad implications, as 92 of the superset of ~570 human proteases
(metallo, serine, cysteine, etc.) inexplicably lack catalytic consensus elements. In Aim 1, we will determine how
catalytic and noncatalytic ADAM members are biochemically, structurally, and evolutionarily related.
Bioinformatics, kinetics, purified enzymatic assays, and crystallographic approaches will be used to delineate
the first functional link between noncatalytic and catalytically active ADAMs. In Aim 2, we will determine how
noncatalytic ADAMs govern the shedding activity of catalytically active ADAM counterparts. Using
mutagenesis and protein engineering approaches, this objective will define the regions and protein domains of
noncatalytic ADAMs required for the newly identified regulatory function. This proposal is innovative as it is
a significant departure from established mechanisms of enzyme regulation through studying a neglected group
of rather abundant “dead” enzymes. The novelty of the work is that the premise of ADAM competition allows
for an unexplored, but testable, aspect of ADAM biology that accounts for the number of noncatalytic
members. The proposal is significant because it will: i) establish the first functional role of noncatalytic ADAMs
in catalytic regulation, ii) yield novel contexts and targets for therapeutic development in diseases associated
with enzyme dysregulation, iii) foster and enhance a research culture at a new medical school in a historically
underserved region and iv) provide training to undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of molecular,
biochemical, bioinformatic, and cellular techniques, consistent with the mission of an R15 application.