Utilizing effective evidence- and asset-based approaches in mentorship are essential to improving the
success of trainees from diverse backgrounds in STEMM and biomedical/behavioral research. While the
scholarship has noted the benefits of asset-based and culturally responsive mentoring approaches, few
opportunities exist to gather like-minded individuals to learn and discuss practical ways of moving the
research to practice. Moreover, limited resources and opportunities exist on how institutions and organ-
izations can institutionalize culturally responsive mentoring approaches using asset-based practices. As
such, we proposed a conference with the theme “Broadening Biomedical Research Workforce Partici-
pation through Culturally Responsive Mentoring” to be held on January 23-24, 2025 (intentionally
selected to align with January mentoring month) in Fort Worth, TX. The overarching goal of this proposed
conference is to impart to attendees an integrated understanding of asset-based culturally responsive
mentoring approaches that can be used in STEMM and biomedical/behavioral research paces to enhance
participation in the biomedical workforce and train the next generation of scientists. The conference will
feature educational and interactive presentations, panel and round table discussions, breakout sessions,
and networking facilitated by nationwide experts in asset-based and culturally responsive mentoring
approaches, DEIA, and organizational culture and change. Further, the conference will provide
opportunities for networking beyond the conference through a virtual Community of Practice, as well as
access to a national Resource. The audience will consist of nationwide individuals (approximately 500
participants) from multi-tier levels including an audience of leadership, policymakers, NIH-funded Program
Directors, mentors, administrators, and mentees within the STEMM and biomedical/ behavioral research
space. The Specific Aims of the conference are these: 1) Enhance the understanding of asset-based
culturally responsive mentoring approaches across career stages to enhance participation in the
biomedical workforce and train the next generation of scientists; 2) Create a Community of Practice to
engage in collaboration and networking surrounding culturally responsive mentoring practices to enhance
participation in the biomedical workforce. 3) Develop and disseminate nationwide an Enhancing Biomedical
Research Workforce Participation through Culturally Responsive Mentoring Resource. The expected
outcome is to increase understanding of practical approaches for conducting mentoring in an intentional
and structural way, using asset-based and culturally responsive approaches, as a means to enhance
participation in the biomedical workforce and train the next generation of scientists.