Smith-Kingsmore Syndrome (SKS) is a newly discovered genetic disorder caused by mutations in the
mechanistic target of rapamycin (MTOR) gene. MTOR functions to coordinate intracellular energy levels
with cellular homeostasis and growth. MTOR deregulation is implicated in various pathological conditions,
including brain dysfunction. A notable example is tuberous sclerosis, in which MTOR hyperactivation due to
Tsc1/2 mutation causes autism, epilepsy, and benign tumors in the brain. Clinical features of SKS include
macrocephaly, epilepsy, seizure, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental delay.
Our recent studies also revealed new aspects of SKS, including sleep/wake disruption, hyperphagia,
hyperactivity, and self-aggression, all indicative of homeostatic imbalance and hypothalamic dysfunction.
Our research has a central focus on the circadian and sleep systems. Sleep/wake disturbance is prevalent
in SKS patients and represents a top concern of patients and caregivers. Sleep insufficiency reflects
homeostatic imbalance in the brain, exacerbating disease states. Our long-term goal is to advance the
understanding of the pathophysiology and mechanisms of SKS. Our central hypothesis is that chronic
activation of MTOR in SKS disrupts cell physiological homeostatic, leading to disruption of sleep/wake and
other functions. To test this hypothesis, we will generate cellular and mouse SKS models and investigate
how the pathogenic SKS variants affect MTOR activity, circadian rhythms, sleep/wake homeostasis, and
other behavioral and cognitive functions. We hope to provide proof of principle that a better understanding
of causal mechanisms, beyond genotype, enables precision medicine treatment strategies. The MTOR
inhibitor rapamycin impacts both sleep time/phase and quality. Notably, low-dose rapamycin, optimized for
specific alleles to normalize MTOR activity, was able to restore the patient’s sleep/wake pattern, while
improving other clinical features. We will explore rapamycin regimens and test the hypothesis that by
normalizing MTOR activity, allele-specific low-dose rapamycin can improve sleep/wake and other functions.
As rapamycin impacts sleep time and quality and other behavioral and cognitive functions, we hope to
expand the concept that sleep/wake function represents a novel neurophysiological biomarker for
rapamycin dosing, MTOR activity and CNS homeostasis. This research will lay the groundwork for future
mechanistic and therapeutic research. Further, this research has direct and broader implications for other
MTORopathies including TSC.