Project Summary/Abstract
The Positive Peers mobile app is an original platform developed by and for the hardest
to reach HIV disparity populations, young people with HIV who identify as racial, ethnic and/or
sexual/ gender minorities. This app holds potential to provide extensive, customizable, self-
management tools (i.e., wellness tracker, community forum, chat, frequent original blogs) to
young people with HIV anywhere in the US. The Positive Peers app provides health information,
health management tools and virtual community support. While the app itself offers a safe place
for young persons with HIV to get health information and support, it's use is enhanced by the
presence of local peer administrators who provide navigation, support and coaching to users.
The proposed study seeks to evaluate its effectiveness in improving viral suppression
among minority disparity populations 18-30 years of age who are either newly diagnosed, out of
care or not virally suppressed using a randomized control trial design supplemented by an
observational cohort of persons who decline to use the app. Clinics in six high priority Ending
the HIV epidemic jurisdictions will train staff as app administrators and utilize the app as a clinic-
based tool. Our primary objective is to improve HIV outcomes by offering peer interaction,
targeted retention and adherence messaging, and interactive trackers and reminders in one
smartphone app. Our specific aims are:
Aim 1: Compare the effectiveness of HIV care supported by the PPA to usual care for retention
in HIV care and viral suppression of newly diagnosed or re-engaged high priority younger adults
with HIV.
Aim 2: To identify factors that predict user engagement with primary PPA components and
associated effects on retention in care, viral suppression, and HIV related perceived stigma.
Aim 3: To determine intervention adoption, usability, fidelity, and cost across study sites.
These aims will be addressed in a parallel cohort design randomized controlled trial of 250
newly diagnosed or out of care YPWH from designated high priority sites. Participants will be
allocated 1:1 to receive the PPA app upon study entry or to a delayed intervention arm where
they will receive the usual care with attention controls for 6 months. This will allow for
effectiveness evaluation during the earliest phase of adjustment to the diagnosis while also
allowing for longitudinal outcome effects.