Project Summary
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a rising cause of mortality worldwide. Disease heterogeneity
is one major barrier to understanding and therapeutic development for COPD. Understanding the molecular
basis for this heterogeneity and determining the causes and consequences of the disease is a major challenge.
Genetic variants, present since birth, have the potential to serve as a causal anchor for disease-related pathways
and potential COPD subtypes. However, genetic variants often have small effect sizes and poorly understood
functional effects. Metabolomics has emerged as a critical biomarker for lung disease but has not been assayed
in lung and blood at a cohort level nor been connected to COPD genetic risk variants. In this proposal, we plan
an integrative genomic approach to identify genetically driven pathways of COPD, informed by metabolomics,
transcriptomics, and proteomics. First, we will curate existing and generate new genome-wide association
studies for COPD-related phenotypes and implement statistical and machine learning methods to identify groups
of variants displaying similar multi-phenotype association profiles. Second, to determine the molecular profiles
of these groups of genetic variants, we will use existing transcriptomics, proteomics, and whole-genome
sequencing data along with newly generated lung and blood metabolomics data in 1,000 subjects from the Lung
Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC). We will also identify relationships between the new metabolites data,
COPD and related phenotypes, and genetic variants and perform additional targeted metabolomics in 500
COPDGene subjects. Finally, we will assess the potential of these groups of variants to identify COPD subtypes,
gene-environment interactions, and potential drug targets. Altogether, our integrative analysis will produce
genetically informed molecular pathways and identify more specific groups of patients for therapy. In addition,
genetic association, metabolomic, and methodologic resources generated for this project will be of value to the
lung disease and complex trait genetics community.