Congenital malformations are a major public health challenge. These conditions are often linked to maternal
metabolic dysfunctions like diabetes and obesity. Yet, the molecular mechanisms that couple metabolism to
the genetic programs that control embryonic development remain poorly understood. Neural crest cells are a
type of embryonic stem cell that is particularly sensitive to metabolic perturbations and has been directly linked
to multiple developmental abnormalities. Neural crest development is orchestrated by a complex gene
regulatory network that endows these cells with their unique properties, like stemness, multipotency, and the
ability to migrate. Our group has previously shown that proper deployment of this regulatory network depends
on the initiation and maintenance of a metabolic state of increased glycolytic flux. We recently observed that
this state of enhanced glycolysis contributes to the regulation of gene expression through a mechanism that
involves a newly described epigenetic mark called histone lactylation. By examining the deposition of this
mark, we identified cis-regulatory regions in the genome that respond to changes in the glycolytic state of
neural crest cells. Notably, these putative metabolism-responsive enhancers (MREs) are located in the loci of
neural crest genes that are upregulated upon metabolic reprogramming. Based on this preliminary data, we
hypothesize that specialized cis-regulatory elements allow gene regulatory networks to respond to changes in
cellular metabolism. We will test this hypothesis in three specific aims. First, we will characterize the patterns of
genomic deposition of specific lactylation marks and test if these patterns change upon manipulation of
metabolic state and lactate levels. We will define how these manipulations affect the organization of the
epigenomic landscape and gene expression patterns. Second, we will examine how histone lactylation is
deposited in the genome of neural crest cells. We will use a combination of genomics and functional assays to
test the hypothesis that YAP/TEAD and SOX9 promote lactylation by cooperating with lactylation writers. Third,
we will test if MREs respond to changes in glycolytic flux by performing STARR-seq in neural crest cells
subjected to metabolic manipulation. Finally, we will use genome engineering to delete MREs in neural crest
cells and test their requirement for transcription responses to metabolic reprogramming. These experiments
will define how metabolic state affects the epigenomic landscape and modulates the gene regulatory networks
that control embryogenic development.