Cell and tissue mechanical properties play critical roles in physically shaping animals, organs, and tissues
during development, growth, maintenance, regeneration, and disease. Early embryonic development and later
growth utilize cell-generated physical forces to sculpt the body and organs. The micro-architecture and
composition of these tissues is spatially, geometrically, and temporally complex. Adjacent tissues can differ
widely in elastic modulus and can change greatly in a few hours as cells differentiate and gene expression
changes. However, real-world knowledge of these properties is limited to a few model systems, where
physical access and size of samples allow direct measurement.
This gap is not due to lack of effort. Numerous technologies have been developed to sense these properties,
but the applicability of these technologies has been limited by the need for samples with regular shape or with
a quasi-planar geometry that is amenable to scanning with table-mounted mechanisms. To advance our
understanding of embryonic development, there is a great unmet need for mechanical testing instrumentation
that can handle more complex 3D geometry.
We propose to address this problem by developing a handheld tissue force microscope. Our team has
experience in atomic force microscopy and related techniques, and has developed an actuated handheld
micromanipulator that enhances accuracy by performing active compensation of physiological hand tremor and
that incorporates force sensing, highly accurate optical tracking of both the handle and the manipulated
instrument tip, and camera-based visual tracking through the optical microscope. Based on our expertise in
this area, we propose to develop a convenient and easy-to-use active handheld instrument that can perform
dynamic mechanical analysis of embryos, organoids, and small tissue samples. Tremor compensation
provided by the instrument will enable the user to precisely target desired locations for testing. Frequency
sweeps will be performed automatically by the instrument. The sensing capabilities of the instrument will
automatically ensure that the sinusoidal oscillation is applied perpendicularly to the local tissue surface. In
data analysis, optical tracking of the instrument handle will allow the system to automatically correct for any
residual motion disturbance that remains after active tremor compensation. Visual tracking will automatically
register local point measurements to photographic images of the sample, enabling scans of any area of
interest, up to and including the entire surface if desired.
The specific aims are to develop a prototype capable of manipulating with accuracy of approximately 1 μm.
(This will represent the “coarse” portion of a coarse-fine manipulation system); to develop a “fine” manipulator
and sensing system for the tip of the instrument; and to integrate and evaluate the full prototype.