PROJECT SUMMARY: Molecular and cellular determinants of Drosophila larva thermotaxis
How nervous systems integrate internal and peripheral sensory inputs to maintain physiological homeostasis is
a major question in neuroscience and physiology. Such integration is particularly salient in the control of body
temperature (thermoregulation). Thermoregulation is a classic example of interoception, as animals must
integrate input from internal sensors (of core body temperature) with input from peripheral sensors (which
often reflect the temperature of the surroundings). In homeotherms like humans, thermoregulation involves
both autonomic responses (e.g., shivering, sweating) and behavioral responses (e.g., moving, using clothing).
Thermoregulation in animals whose body temperatures track ambient, like Drosophila melanogaster,
thermoregulate primarily using behavior (e.g., by exhibiting thermotaxis). Interestingly, although Drosophila
are small, they possess both internal and peripheral thermosensors and rely on the integration of input from
these sensors to control their body temperature. In this proposal, we seek a circuit-level understanding of this
phenomenon, obtaining a mechanistic view of how a nervous system solves such a fundamental challenge.
How internal and peripheral thermosensory streams are integrated by the brain to produce coherent
thermosensory behaviors is not well understood for any animal. We will address this challenge in the
Drosophila larva, as its ease of genetic manipulation, connectome, amenability to optical neurophysiology, and
quantifiable and stereotyped behaviors make it an ideal system for a multi-level investigation of such behavior.
This proposal is a renewal of a long-standing collaboration initially supported through an NIH P01 and more
recently through the R01 we propose to renew here. Using this support, we created the foundation for the
proposed work. 1) We discovered peripheral warming and cooling cells, and their associated molecular
receptors, that control thermotaxis towards a preferred body temperature. 2) We showed that information
from both warming and cooling receptors is combined by cross-inhibition, a homeostatic mechanism known in
control theory. 3) We probed – aided by computational modeling - how the Drosophila larva integrates the
activity of warming and cooling receptors, and postulated the existence of an unknown receptor(s) for absolute
temperatures embedded within the larval core (e.g., in its brain).
In this renewal application, we propose to define the mechanisms of larval core temperature sensing, examine
how input from these core sensors influences responses to temperature, and investigate how input from
internal and peripheral thermosensors is transmitted to the brain. The long-term goal is to trace these
pathways into the brain to determine how they are integrated to achieve thermoregulation.