Lung and systemic diseases as a result of micron-sized particle exposures (e.g., silica, asbestos, and more
recently, dusts from preparation of granite countertops) are a critical health problem in the US and around the
world. Unfortunately, these diseases remain untreatable in part due to lack of information on the mechanisms of
injury and inflammation. To date, extensive research that has failed to identify the key steps with potential for
therapeutic intervention. Adding to the potential problems of the above particle exposures, there are growing
concerns that the increased use of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) will add to the burden of lung and systemic
diseases in humans exposed in environmental and occupational settings to these new materials. We know that
the physicochemical characteristics of ENM play a role in toxicity and hazard potential. Therefore, there is a
critical need to understand how specific physicochemical properties of ENM (e.g., surface chemistry, charge and
wettability) affect cell function and in vivo inflammatory outcomes. Furthermore, although MeO ENM have been
shown to cause inflammation, leading to lung fibrosis, the precise mechanisms of ENM-induced inflammation
remain unclear. We have demonstrated that ENM cause phagolysosomal membrane permeability (LMP), leading
to release of lysosomal proteases, which have been implicated in downstream effects such as NLRP3
inflammasome activation, and mitochondrial damage in alveolar macrophages, and significantly contribute to in
vivo inflammation and pathology. However, the mechanisms responsible for LMP, which we proposed to be the
key rate-limiting effect of ENM and silica toxicity, remain unknown. This uncertainty impedes the progress in the
field of particle-induced inflammation and nanotoxicology and limits the ability to develop targeted treatments for
adverse health effects. Our central hypothesis is that the relative biological activity of ENM and silica is
dependent on specific surface properties that define particle-phagolysosome membrane interactions leading to
LMP. Furthermore, we postulate that ENM and silica interact with the interior of the phagolysosomal membrane
leading to K+ flux through the BK channel and membrane hyperpolarization causing LMP and initiate the
inflammatory pathway described in our model. The following aims will test our central hypothesis and accomplish
our goals: 1: Synthesize and characterize MeO ENM with specific physicochemical properties.; 2: Determine the
mechanism of MeO-induced LMP leading to toxicity and NLRP3 inflammasome activation and the relationship
between ENM surface properties and biological activity; and 3: Demonstrate that in vitro MeO ENM-induced
LMP and macrophage responses define in vivo pathology following aerosol exposures to selected MeO ENM. It
is anticipated that these studies will help elucidate the primary mechanism responsible for MeO ENM-mediated
LMP, confirm the central role of LMP in macrophage response to ENM as well as in inflammation and pathology
and test potential therapeutics.