Our premise is that the fetal stage of human brain development is the most dynamic, the most vulnerable and
the most important for lifelong behavioral and cognitive function. As many neurological disorders have their
genesis in fetal life, there is a need to accurately quantify normal and abnormal fetal brain development from
both the perspective of fetal brain structure and body motion. Better imaging tools would enable us to explore
how fetal neurological disorders as well as environmental exposures, such as opioids, maternal obesity, or
COVID-19, impact early brain structure and body movements. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T2-weighted,
single-shot fast-spin-echo (e.g. HASTE) images provide a unique window into this critical phase of structural
brain development, with the potential to detect subtle abnormalities. However, fetal brain MRI is challenging due
to fetal motion, which leads to image artifacts, double oblique acquisitions and incomplete brain coverage. As a
result, trained MR technologists must “chase the fetus” to amass the necessary images to diagnose the presence
or absence of lesions, resulting in long scan times and higher RF energy deposition. Thus, fetal brain MRI is
inefficient, limited to specialized centers, and diagnosis is still difficult because fetal motion results in each image
being an independent slice that cannot be referenced to another slice, making confirmation of suspicious findings
difficult. At the same time, fetal motion is an important measure of functional neurological integrity, informing
postnatal outcomes. However, current clinical MR and ultrasound assessments of fetal motion do not fully
capture the complex 3D motions of all body parts simultaneously. Better assessment of fetal neurological health
requires novel tools to automatically and efficiently obtain coherent, high quality HASTE fetal brain volumes and
to characterize 3D fetal whole-body motion. To address these unmet needs, we will leverage convolutional neural
network (CNN) models and propose the following aims: (1) Develop a self-driving engine for efficient acquisition
of high-quality HASTE fetal brain volumes and (2) Enable automated fetal whole-body motion tracking and
characterization. We will deploy the proposed tools in a prospective study that compares fetuses with Chiari II
malformation (spina bifida), a disorder known to have brain abnormalities and often associated with decreased
leg movement, to typical fetuses with the following aim: (3) Assess performance of the self-driving HASTE engine
and whole-body motion characterization in Chiari II vs typical fetuses. For Aims 1 and 2, we will include data
from collaborating sites and strategies for CNN generalization to increase robustness and potential to deploy our
tools to other scanners. The ability to automatically obtain high-quality coherent fetal brain volumes and
characterize fetal motion will improve stratification for fetal treatments and characterization of response to fetal
interventions. Success will also enable sites without fetal imaging experts to locally assess and triage fetuses
with suspected abnormalities to specialized treatment centers, as well as facilitate large population-based
studies to understand the impact of environmental influences on early brain development and fetal behavior.