Project Summary
The goal of this project is to investigate the structure and function of a poorly understood family of ion channels
known as TMEM63s. There are three members of the family in animals, known as TMEM63A, B and C.
TMEM63s form mechanosensitive ion channels and are thought to be the animal orthologues of the plant OSCA
channels. TMEM63A mutations have been identified in young patients with hypo-myelinating
leukodystrophies characterized by myelin deficits suggesting a functional role of TMEM63A in myelination and
neuronal development. TMEM63B deficiency in mice leads to deafness and it is hypothesized to act as an
osmosensor in auditory hair cells. TMEM63B mutations in humans lead to a range of disorders including severe
neurodevelopmental disorders, epileptic encephalopathy, hematological abnormalities, and hearing loss. A
genomic analysis in hypertensive rats implied a role for TMEM63C in kidney damage. When expressed in
heterologous cells, TMEM63A and TMEM63B can be activated by mechanical stimulation, revealing small
currents of 10s to 100s of pA. These data, while intriguing, raise fundamental questions regarding the structure
and function TMEM63 mechanosensitive ion channels and whether TMEM63 channels share common
molecular, structural, and gating mechanisms with other mechanosensitive ion channels.
The project is organized around three specific aims. For aim one, we will determine the structures of
human p.V44M variant of TMEM63B using single-particle cryo-EM. We hypothesize this variant biases the
channel toward the open state. For aim two, we will investigate the function of TMEM63B in proteoliposomes
and in heterologous cell lines. We will evoke mechanically activated currents using pressure steps and perfusion
of hypoosmotic bath solutions. We will investigate structural and functional aspects of WT TMEM63B and will
use site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the function of various structural features, including the putative
pore region, the intracellular loop, IL2, and the hypothesized gating helices. We will also investigate the
functional consequences of human TMEM63B mutations including the p.V44M variant. For the third aim, we
will investigate the physiological contributions of TMEM63B expressed in inner ear hair cells. We hypothesize
that intense auditory stimulation promotes massive influx of potassium and calcium in hair cells, raising
intracellular osmolarity and causing ionic imbalance. With the inside of the cell being hypertonic relative to
external hypotonic bath solution, cell swelling may ensue which may, in turn, activate TMEM63B channels.
Calcium influx via TMEM63B is postulated to activate neighboring calcium-activated potassium channels
promoting potassium efflux and ionic equilibration. Disruption of this pathway is thought to lead to hair cell
death and hearing loss. The experiments proposed herein will shed light on the role of TMEM63B in hair cells
and hearing and will illuminate structural and functional features of this newly discovered, poorly understood
family of mechanosensitive ion channels.