Migraine is a common, painful and highly disabling disorder. Depressive symptoms are common in people with
migraine and are associated with increased suffering. Despite the significant emotional, social, and economic
burden of this comorbidity, no existing treatment adequately addresses both migraine disability and elevated
depressive symptoms. Development of scalable and integrative treatments that address both migraine disability
and comorbid depressive symptoms has been identified as a major gap in migraine treatment. Mindfulness-Based
Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based and standardized treatment that is an excellent candidate for
reducing disability and depressive symptoms in people with migraine. Our preliminary data show that MBCT
reduced migraine-related disability; however, during exit interviews, participants noted the burden of attending 8
weekly in-person sessions was a substantial barrier to accessing care. Our preliminary data suggest an abbreviated
and telephone-delivered MBCT (MBCT-T) protocol is a feasible alternative to in-person treatment. However, video-
based delivery (MBCT-V) may improve patient engagement. This project aims to prepare for a definitive multi-site
Phase III trial of remote-delivered MBCT-T or MBCT-V or both in patients with migraine and depressive symptoms.
During Study 1, we will use guidelines from the NIH’s Behavioral Change Consortium to optimize fidelity MBCT-T
and MBCT-V for patients with migraine (as defined by the International Classification of Headache Disorders – 3)
and depressive symptoms (as defined by empirical cut-offs on the Patient Health Questionnaire – 9). Products
developed during Aim 1 will be: training protocols, facilitator treatment manuals, fidelity checklists, MBCT-T/V
Adherence and Competence Scales, fidelity coding manuals. Products will be iteratively optimized using
quantitative and qualitative fidelity metrics assessed at the patient-level (comprehension) and facilitator-level
(corrective feedback, intervention delivery) in three iterations following: 1) pilot MBCT-T and MBCT-V groups led by
a certified MBCT facilitator at a site in New York, NY; 2) 35-hour training for facilitators across two additional sites in
the Bronx, NY and Winston-Salem, NC; and 3) pilot MBCT-T and MBCT-V groups at the two additional sites.
During Study 2, we will conduct a multi-site pilot RCT (n=144) of MBCT-T, MBCT-V, and Enhanced Usual Care
(EUC). We will evaluate fidelity, feasibility, and acceptability of each arm across three sites in patients with migraine
and depressive symptoms. Pre-specified decision rules for fidelity, feasibility, acceptability, and clinical utility will
determine the arms of the future phase III trial evaluating remotely delivered MBCT for migraine disability and
depressive symptoms.