A craniotomy is performed to access the brain for procedures that include tumor resection, localization and
resection of epileptogenic foci, and aneurysm clipping, where the bone flap is replaced intraoperatively. Despite
prophylaxis, infectious complications after craniotomy range from 1-3%, with approximately half caused by
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), which forms a biofilm on the bone flap that is recalcitrant to antibiotics. We
have developed a mouse model of S. aureus craniotomy infection that shares important ultrastructural, MRI, and
immune attributes with human disease, which can be exploited to identify mechanisms for infection persistence.
Our preliminary results suggest that T cells maintain S. aureus in a biofilm state to minimize the shedding of
planktonic bacteria into the brain. Ultimately, this helps protect the CNS parenchyma but does not clear the
biofilm. This is supported by the fact that bacterial burden was unchecked in Rag1 KO mice and in WT animals
following CD4+ T cell depletion, reflecting increased planktonic bacteria in the brain and galea. Furthermore, T
cell loss coincided with an attenuated activation signature in microglia, macrophages, and granulocytes, with
significant reductions in several IFN-ɣ-regulated genes, including CXCL10, indicative of T cell-innate immune
crosstalk. We aim to understand this regulation in addition to T cell-biofilm crosstalk to devise novel strategies
to promote biofilm eradication. This possibility is feasible given our innovative bacterial scRNA-seq data, where
activated CD4+ T cells induced the expression of several S. aureus virulence genes, including protein A (spa)
that binds the Fc portion of antibody to inhibit opsonophagocytosis. CXCL10 has been reported to induce Spa
shedding from the bacterial membrane, which raises the intriguing possibility that CXCL10 induction by T cells
promotes Spa release to block S. aureus phagocytosis, which is supported by our preliminary data where
craniotomy infection was significantly reduced with a S. aureus spa mutant. This proposal will examine the
hypothesis that CD4+ T cells regulate antimicrobial responses in the brain and galea by targeting
microglia/macrophages vs. PMNs/G-MDSCs, respectively, to prevent bacterial outgrowth and limit invasion into
the brain. In response, S. aureus alters its transcriptiome to augment virulence factor expression to promote
biofilm persistence. This represents a host-pathogen triad that dictates infection outcome and the molecular
mechanisms responsible for bacterial persistence in the brain and galea will be examined in the following
Specific Aims: 1) Identify the critical CD4+ Th subset and antigen specificity in controlling S. aureus outgrowth
during craniotomy infection; 2) Determine key mechanisms of T cell-innate immune crosstalk that dictate biofilm
growth and CNS invasion; and 3) Identify S. aureus biofilm genes that are critical for subverting T cell effector
function during craniotomy infection. An improved understanding of how T cells shape the innate immune
landscape and S. aureus virulence during craniotomy infection may be leveraged to enhance antimicrobial
activity and biofilm clearance to reduce patient morbidity.