The project goal is to understand how age-associated changes to the lymph nodes contribute to decreased
survival of naïve T cells, a hallmark of immune aging. Naïve T cells are essential for resolving infections caused
by newly encountered pathogens, but their number and frequency within the T cell population decrease
dramatically with age. This contributes to reduced magnitude and delayed timing of the aged immune response
against infectious disease. Naïve T cell survival requires constant signaling from the tissue environment, and it
has been well-supported that the aged environment is defective in its ability to maintain naïve T cell homeostasis.
Naïve T cells primarily interact with the tissues of the lymph nodes, organized tissue compartments strategically
located throughout the body that serve as coordination centers for the immune response. Broad changes to the
size and structure of the lymph nodes have been described with age, for both mice and humans; however, the
mechanisms driving these changes, and how they impact naïve T cells, are unknown. Our data have revealed
changes with age to the lymph node stromal cell type known as the fibroblastic reticular cell (FRC). Naïve T cells
adhere to FRCs and crawl along the FRC network to navigate the lymph nodes. FRCs differentiate in situ in a
process that requires continuous lymphotoxin-beta (LTβ) signaling. Mature FRCs express homeostatic cytokines
that are essential for naive T cell survival and chemokines that promote interactions and motility within the lymph
nodes. Homeostatic chemokines such as CCL21 have well-appreciated roles in promoting naïve T cell
recruitment to and migration within the lymph nodes, but how their expression and distribution are impacted by
age is not clear. In our preliminary work, we determined that lymph node stromal expression of Ltbr (lymphotoxin-
beta receptor) and Ccl21 were significantly decreased with age. We also found evidence that FRC differentiation
is impaired with age, in that early FRC precursors were decreased in frequency, and that there was an
accumulation intermediate FRC precursors. The perturbation to FRC precursors was correlated to decreased
expression of LTBR, suggesting that aged FRC precursors were unable to receive the LTβ signals necessary to
complete maturation. We hypothesize that with impaired FRC differentiation, FRCs become fibrotic and spatially
redistributed within the lymph node, which inhibits the interactions necessary for naïve T cell survival. In this
project we will determine the role of age-associated inflammation in impairing signals through LTβR and
promoting lymph node fibrosis (Aim 1), and whether increased fibrosis of the lymph node microenvironment
impairs naïve T cell survival (Aim 2). Our experimental approach uses live-cell 2-photon microscopy, which
enables us to visualize the interaction of naïve T cells with FRCs in real time within intact tissues. The completion
of the project will support a mechanism by which the aged tissue microenvironment drives the attrition of naïve
T cells. Establishing this link can lead to development of therapeutics to restore the aged lymph node stroma
and promote the survival and function of naïve T cells in older individuals.