The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) supports this Public Health Crisis Notice of Funding Opportunity from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). The goal of this project is to work with the CDC in a crisis situation to rapidly mobilize, surge, and respond to public health emergencies occurring in Arizona. Arizona
is seeking to be pre‐approved for rapid funding by the CDC for public health emergencies of large scale, complexity, or consequence that it would have an
overwhelming impact upon, and exceed the resources available within the state.
Strategies associated with the response are:
1) Strengthen incident management
2) Strengthen jurisdictional recovery
3) Strengthen biosurveillance
4) Strengthen information management
5) Strengthen countermeasures and mitigation
6) Strengthen surge management
Outcomes associated with these strategies include:
1) earliest possible activation and management of emergency operations
2) earliest possible identification and investigation of an incident/index case
3) timely implementation of interventions and control measures
4) timely communication of risk and essential elements of information by partners
5) timely coordination and support of response activities with healthcare and other