Newark Board of Education (NBOE), the largest school district in New Jersey, is applying for the CDC- Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program under Component 1: Local implementation of What Works in Schools and School-Based Surveillance. The proposed grant, Newark Health and Wellness Project, seeks to utilize a multi-component, multi-level effort to support youth in Newark reaching adulthood in the healthiest possible way. Under Component 1, NBOE will conduct school-based surveillance of health risk behaviors by administering the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) and School Profiles. The survey will help the City of Newark and the school district identify current health and safety habits so improvements can be made to district policies and procedures. Newark public schools will implement effective health education and services to middle school and high school students. Over the 5-year grant period, this project will impact approximately 41,000 students attending district schools.
Newark’s Health and Wellness Project seeks to achieve the following goals:
(1) Provide high-quality, developmentally-appropriate health education to all K-12 students in the district.
(2) Increase student awareness and access to health services available by improving the student referral process and promoting services that exist.
(3) Support the mental health and well-being of students and staff by fostering safe and supportive school environments in all district schools.
The expected outcomes of this proposal are to increased student knowledge through health education (HE), health services (HS) and create safe and supportive environments (SSE) in schools for all students. This will provide students the tools and resources needed to make informed decisions and increase preventive behaviors that decrease risk for HIV, STD and teen pregnancy. Newark Board of Education will utilize its Health Advisory Committee with to provide input and expertise to ensure the outcomes become a reality. To that end, the implementation of the Newark Health and Wellness Project will mean longer, more productive lives for Newark’s young people, as well as improved learning in the classroom.