The South Dakota Department of Health (SDDOH) proposes a comprehensive approach to both enhance and implement high-impact HIV prevention and surveillance efforts in the jurisdiction. The purpose of this proposal is to improve components of HIV prevention in South Dakota, including knowledge of HIV status, linkage to care, access to prevention services, and reduction of new infections. By leveraging surveillance data and community engagement, SDDOH aims to reduce HIV rates, improve health outcomes, and address disparities.
The program outlines specific outcomes to achieve across the pillars of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, response, surveillance, and community engagement. Short-term goals include increasing HIV testing availability, rapid linkage to care, and awareness of prevention services. Intermediate goals focus on reducing late diagnoses, increasing engagement in care, and improving viral suppression rates.
Strategies and activities include implementing HIV+STI screening and treatment, community outreach events, self-test kit distribution, promotional campaigns, and engagement in care and support services. An emphasis is placed on the availability and accessibility to PrEP/PEP services, condom distribution, ongoing surveillance, cluster detection, and capacity building.
The SDDOH HIV program will collaborate with other CDC-funded partners, community-based organizations, and non-CDC funded entities to ensure effective implementation. Special attention will be given to high-burden and medically underserved populations, including Black/African American and American Indian/Alaska Native individuals.
A significant portion of the funding will be allocated to the implementation of comprehensive HIV Prevention activities in the first year. Evaluation and performance measurement plans will describe methods to assess progress through routine surveillance, community feedback, and data analysis. Findings will inform continuous quality improvement to strengthen HIV prevention efforts and promote community health and well-being in South Dakota.