The Indiana Department of Health, Division of HIV, STI, Viral Hepatitis (IDOH) HIV Surveillance Programs (Surveillance Program), HIV Prevention (Prevention Program) and Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) are committed to fully integrated, data driven approaches to the prevention and eventual elimination of new HIV infections in Indiana and beyond. In 2015, Indiana experienced one of the largest outbreaks of HIV in history. In collaboration with federal, state, and local public health, mental health, and medical providers along with other public and private entities managed the event and supported over 75% of those identified as part of the outbreak to being virally suppressed. As of December 31, 2023, Indiana’s viral suppression went from 60 (2018) to 69%. Indiana was able to move the needle of the entire State’s HIV population a whole 9% in viral suppression. Of the reported 640 newly diagnosed HIV cases in 2023, 88% were linked to care within 30 days. As such, resources needed to maintain this high level of viral suppression and linkage to care in cases associated with the outbreak and statewide need to be accounted for in the appropriation of national funding. Despite this significant challenge, the IDOH is committed to the health and wellbeing of all of its residents and will work closely with CDC to ensure that they are cared for. The IDOH Division of HIV, STI, Viral Hepatitis is a fully integrated HIV, STI, viral hepatitis prevention, care, and surveillance program serving the state through integrated approaches to multifaceted factors impacting the whole health of communities and the individuals within. Within the 2024-2029 funding period, the HIV Prevention, EHE, and HIV Surveillance Programs will further collaborate for the collection and analysis of program data to inform disease prevention and linkage to care activities. The following application packet outlines the goals, objectives, activities, and evaluation process that the HIV Prevention, EHE, and HIV
Surveillance Programs will engage in to reach the ultimate goal of eliminating new cases of HIV in Indiana.